10 推动创新谋发展 加强自律促规范/蔡洪波
14 求真务实 开拓进取 积极推进银行卡业务创新/胡 莹
19 以创新谋求持续发展/凌 海
21 顺应支付发展趋势 打造民生信用卡新兴支付产品体系/杨 科
23 因需而变 因势而动 积极创新综合支付/李晓峰
27 融合与突破
——浅谈第三方支付推动金融创新/唐 彬
31 生于创新 盛于创新/孙陶然
33 一次理性的总结和反思
35 中国电子商务发展趋势及信用卡应对策略研究/刘 车
39 逆周期监管理论及其在信用卡风险管理中的应用/王 琪
43 农村中小金融机构贷记卡业务发展堪忧/唐友伟
45 对推进金融IC 卡在公共服务领域应用的探究/李良军 谭明红
48 资产管理时代的城市商业银行理财业务/章张
50 移动支付的发展与探究/郝惠泽
54 浅析第三方支付给银行带来的机遇和挑战/王振华
56 我国个人征信体系立法的现状及对策/蔡丽华
60 论个人金融信息的保护/盛雅琴
64 网上银行小微企业融资业务探讨/李志春
67 DATACARD 升格中国区在全球市场的战略定位
68 展望2013 年银行理财市场及集合信托/叶林峰 肖 芳
70 金融机构如何重获投资者的信任/毛恩知
72 基建信托风险几何/范 杰
75 世界第一大都市里的那片绿洲/刘少才
78 牛仔故乡的野花之旅/辣 城
83 纯爷们的杯中物/洱 沥
86 生活,在咖啡里/老 兜
90 《西游·降魔篇》:向谁致敬?/林 格
94 工商银行获准担任新加坡人民币清算行 等
---------------------------------------------------------- Contents.March 2013 • Vol.202
Special Report
10 Strive for development depending on promoting innovation,promote development with standard by strengthening self-discipline
14 Realistic and pragmatic,pioneering and progressing,actively promote innovation of bank card business
19 Strive for sustainable development by innovation
21 Conform to the development trend of payment service,build a new payment product system of credit card of CMBC
23 Change because of the need, innovate integrated payment with the trend
27 Fusion and breakthrough
31 Born in innovation,succeed in innovation
Hot point
33 The reading of new” China’s bankcard industry self-discipline convention”, a reasonable summary and introspection
Business Management
35 Research on China’s e-commerce development trend and credit card countermeasures
39 Countercyclical regulatory theory and its application in credit card risk management
43 The future development of credit card business of rural local financial institutions is worrisome
Personal Finance
45 Inquiry of promoting financial IC card applications in the public service field
48 Financing business of urban commercial banks in the era of asset management
Payment Innovation
50 The development and exploration of mobile payments
54 Opportunities and challenges for the banks from the third-party payment
Legal Affairs
56 Situation and countermeasures of China’s personal credit system legislation
60 Protection of personal financial information
Finance Forum
64 Investigate the financing business of small and micro enterprises by internet banking
Enterprise Exhibiton
67 Datacard upgrading China’s strategic positioning in the global market
Fortune Plaza
68 Prospect of the financial market and collective trust in 2013
70 Financial institutions how to regain the trust of investors
72 How to assess the infrastructure trust risk
Leisure Time Tourism
75 The oasis in the biggest city in the world
78 The wildflowers trip in cowboy’s hometown
83 Man’s drink
86 Life, in the coffee
Culture Essay Movies
90 Odyssey, tribute to whom?
Industry News
94 ICBC was approved to be RMB Clearing Bank in Singapore, Etc.