11 手机支付撑起农村金融服务的一片蓝天
14 交通银行信用卡移动金融服务平台的探索与应用/王锦民
17 移动金融引领全新生活时代/丁 蔚
20 中国银联:搭建开放的移动金融生态圈/杜 娟
23 国外移动支付的发展与趋势/高鹏飞 郭 飞
32 关于新形势下信用卡风险管理转型的思考/沈 艳
35 中小型银行如何发展信用卡业务/丁 勇 张 璐
40 基于我国信用卡市场城市分布的营销策略研究/黎子文
43 信用卡优惠的那些事儿
——你不知晓的特惠商户信息差错/王 江
44 当前克隆银行卡犯罪激增的原因及对策/何 虹
47 充分利用金融IC 卡优势,推动公交跨域支付/谭 晟 周 涛
49 移动支付业务发展前景展望/明 皓
52 新城镇化与第三方支付机构的移动支付业务/马近朱
56 移动支付技术发展前景探究/李铁成 赵红佳
58 电子货币浪潮与商业银行/莫晓锋
62 关于建立我国存款保险制度的几点思考/李 忠
66 基层网点协助有权机关查询、冻结、扣划客户账户风险分析/熊建钢 汪志勇
70 外国央行降息对外币理财产品收益影响有限/叶林峰
76 袖珍之国的大教堂/沈安娜
82 丹麦:童话大师的美丽故乡/王高岩
88《天机. 富春山居图》:光怪陆离的“中国式大片” /许 是
92 工商银行信用卡发卡量超8000 万张 等
---------------------------------------------------------- Contents.
Special Report
11 Mobile payment hold up a blue sky for the rural financial services
14 Exploration and application of BOC’s credit card mobile financial services platform
17 Mobile financial services lead a new life
20 China UnionPay: Construct an open mobile financial ecosystem
23 Development and trend of mobile payment abroad
Business Management
32 Thinking of the credit card risk management transformation in the new situation
35 How to develop credit card business of small and medium banks
Precision Marketing
40 Study of the marketing strategy based on the cities distribution of the credit card
43 Something about credit card offers
Personal Finance
44 Causes and countermeasures of clone bank card crimes had a sharp increase currently
47 Financial IC card promotes public transport cross-border payment by the advantages
Payment Innovation
49 Prospect of mobile payment services
52 New Urbanization and mobile payment service of the third-party payment agencies
56 Explore the development prospects of mobile payment technology
58 Wave of electronic money vs commercial banks
Finance Forum
62 Thoughts about building china’s deposit insurance system
66 Analysis on the risks of grassroots branches to assist the organs of power to query, freeze and deduct customer account
Fortune Plaza
70 The rate cutting of oreign central banks will impact limitedly on foreign currency financial products revenue
73 Banks and fund companies greet a new historical opportunity
Leisure Time
76 The cathedral of the smallest country
82 Denmark: The beautiful hometown of the fairy tales master
Culture Essay
88 Switch : dazzling “Chinese-style blockbuster”
Industry News
92 ICBC credit card volume exceeded 80 million,etc.