10 银行的普惠金融路/代 萍
14 邮储银行 :中国普惠金融的先行者/代 萍
18 以创新促发展 由发展谋创新
21 农业银行打通农村金融服务的“最后一公里”/彭惠新
25 民生银行小微金融业务的转型之路/彭惠新
28 银联商务 :严控风险 引领普惠创新
——访银联商务有限公司总裁李晓峰/代 萍
33 改善农村支付环境 助推普惠金融发展/李伟杰
38 建设银联手机支付商圈 发展农村牧区移动金融/王孔平
44 云计算对信用卡运营的影响研究/何开宇
47 支付渠道创新背景下的信用卡交易欺诈防控对策/周 萌 张 洁
51 吉林省金融 IC 卡推广应用工作稳步推进/董龙训
54 互联网金融时代的银行卡产业发展/范云飞
57 江西农信社手机支付系统的设计与应用/周 啸 万 丹
61 第三方支付跨境电子商务外汇管理问题探究/宋 连
64 浅析我国商业银行应对金融脱媒的策略/刘 宏
68 外汇占款的未来走势及其对资本市场的影响分析/刘 晶
74 公司法新修正案与商业银行之应对/刘庆国 陈福录
77 关于伪卡盗刷案件的刑事责任解析/朱 孜 李婵媛
80 走进诺贝尔奖颁奖地斯德哥尔摩/王高岩
84 文心常如水 雅物共葳蕤
——2014 中国嘉德春拍文房专场赏析/孙艳敏
90《哥斯拉》:怪兽也正义/河 东 何慧轩
94 工商银行获评年度“亚太地区最佳风险控制奖”等
---------------------------------------------------------- Contents.
Special Report
10 Banks strive to develop Inclusive Financial System
14 PSBC: the pioneer of China’s Inclusive Financial System
18 Promoting development by innovation, seeking innovation by development
21 ABC: unclogging “the last kilometer “ of the financial services in rural areas
25 Transformation of CMBC’s small micro financial business
28 CHINAUMS: Controlling risk, leading innovation of Inclusive Financial System
33 Improving rural payment environment to boost the development of Inclusive Financial System
38 Constructing UnionPay mobile phone payment business circle,developing mobile finance of rural and pastoral areas
Business Management
44 Research on the influence of cloud computing on the credit card operation
47 Fraud prevention and control countermeasures of credit card transactions under the background of payment channel innovation
Personal Finance
51 Financial IC card application has been spread steadily in Jilin province
54 The development of bank card industry in the age of the internet financing
Payment Innovation
57 Design and application of Jiangxi Rural Credit Union mobile phone payment system
61 Research on cross-border e-commerce exchange management of the third-party payment
Finance Forum
64 Analysis of the strategies of China’s commercial banks to deal with the financial disintermediation
68 Analysis of the future trends of foreign exchange and the effect on capital market
Legal Affairs
74 The newly revised “Company Law” and answer of commercial banks
77 Analysis of criminal liability about false card fraud cases
Leisure Time
80 Stockholm, the place of the noble prize awards ceremony
Culture Essay
84 Refined Articles Blooming in Study
90 Godzilla : the monster also has a sense of Justice
Industry News
94 ICBC wins “Best Asia-Pacific Risk Control Award”,etc.