30 年·里程碑
16 中国银行信用卡:始于领先 旨在卓越 /胡浩中
19 金卡工程在改革、创新中前行 /张 琪
26 银行卡业务发展需制度先行
——《银行卡业务管理办法》述评 /刘泽华
30 标准先行 合作发展
——中国银行卡产业标准化建设之路 /柴洪峰
35 从信用卡中心到信用卡公司 /彭惠新
38 一朝春风,黄金十年
——《关于促进银行卡产业发展的若干意见》出台十年 /吴春林 王敏慧
41 第三方支付的监管与发展 /杨 涛
44 信用卡业务监管规章体系基础框架形成
——银监会颁布《商业银行信用卡业务监督管理办法》 /杜 娟
47 我国金融IC 卡产业发展之路 /林铁行
51 我国银行卡清算市场迎来全面开放时代 /王 瑛
30 年·回眸
54 中国银行卡的三十功名与八千里路 /杨再平
57 我国信用卡行业监管工作回顾与展望 /张 倩
60 征信业为信用卡风险管理保驾护航 /王显金
63 我国信用卡市场发展回顾及新挑战分析 /黎子文
67 规范经营 创新发展 合作共赢
——2015 第四届中国支付清算论坛召开 /杜 娟
74 双标卡的前世今生 /盛 夏
77 银行协助执行疑案解析(下) /陈福录
84 工商银行手机银行服务全面升级 等
87《中国信用卡》2015 年总目录
Special Report
30 years·Milepost
16 BOC credit card: the industry leader pursues excellence
19 Golden Card Project goes forward in reform and innovation
26 The development of bank card business needs rules first
30 Standard first and developing cooperatively
35 From credit card center to credit card company
38 Some opinions on promoting the development of bank card industry has introduced for ten years
41 Supervision and development of the third party payment
44 The basic frame of regulatory rules system for credit card business was formed
47 The development of financial IC card industry in China
51 China’s bank card clearing market goes into the Full-opening Era
30 years·Review
54 Review and prospect of China’s bank card 30 years development
57 The retrospect and prospect of the supervision work of China’s credit card industry
60 Credit for credit card risk management escort
63 The review of the development of China’s credit card market and new challenge analysis
Hot point
67 The fourth China Payment and Clearing Forum(2015) was held
Business Management
74 The past and present of the double brand card
Legal Affairs
77 Analysis of difficult cases of bank helps to administer
Industry News
84 ICBC mobile banking services to upgrade,etc.
Total Cotents
87 Total contents of China Credit Card in 2015