11 金融为本、创新为魂、互联为器
——“互联网+”时代工商银行的消费金融布局 /栾建胜
17 用信用创造美好生活
——访中银消费金融有限公司总经理卢伟 /彭惠新
21 鹰击改革征程,鹏飞“消金”海浪 /曹 峰
24“互联网+”时代消费金融路在何方 /史汉青 付 琳
26 站在互联网金融风口,掘金消费金融新蓝海 /王 瑛
31 监管趋严P2P平台将回归中介本色 /赵 申
34 区块链技术对P2P网贷行业发展的影响分析 /吕 雯
37 中国消费信贷市场的现状及发展趋势 /清华大学中国与世界经济研究中心
44 银行卡支付安全宣传月启动仪式暨《银行卡产业发展蓝皮书(2016)》发布会在京召开 /彭惠新
47 《非银行支付机构信息科技风险管理指引》解读 /于 沛 张 媛
50 商业银行利用信用卡业务践行绿色金融的路径选择 /郝士鹏
54“二清”风险分析及政策建议 /李雅莉
57 对刷卡手续费定价新机制的解读和建议 /董 超
60 关于移动支付在农村地区推广应用的思考 /周爱花 唐先勇
64 区块链技术在金融支付中的应用前景 /姚 林
66 商业银行的转型与突围 /彭惠新
70 我国P2P 网贷平台风险控制创新存在的问题与建议 /何 虹
73 P2P 网贷行业的主要风险及对策建议 /江 猛
75 网络循环贷款的突出风险、特有风险及其防范 /陈福录
79 地产投资利器REITs 发展瓶颈如何突破 /普益标准
83 邮储银行理财业务发展建议 /俞富强
88 香道:缭绕千年的风雅文化 /许 是
94 国内首款航空公司联名公务卡正式发行等
Special Report
11 The ICBC’s layout of consumer finance in Internet Era
17 To create a better life with credit
21 The reform of Bank Of Suzhou and its consumer finance business development
24 Where is the way of consumer finance in the era of “Internet+”?
26 Standing in the Internet Financial outlet, digging the consumer finance value in new blue ocean
31 P2P lending platforms will return to the intermediary roots because of more stringent regulation
34 Analysis of the impact of Blockchain technology on P2P lending industry development
37 The present situation and development trend of the consumer credit market in China
44 Bank card payment security publicity month launch ceremony, “The blue book of Bank Card industry development(2016)”
was published in Beijing
47 Interpretation of “Guideline of Information Technology risk Management of Non-bank Payment Institutions”
Business Management
50 The path of green finance for commercial banks by credit card business
54 Risk analysis and policy recommendations on the 2nd Cleaning market
57 Explanation and suggestion on new pricing mechanism of credit card fee
Payment Innovation
60 Thinking about the application of mobile payment in rural areas
64 Application prospects of Blockchain technology in financial payment
Finance Forum
66 Transformation and breakthrough of commercial banks
70 The problems and the suggestion on the innovation of the P2P network platform loan risk control in our country
73 Main risks and countermeasures on P2P net loan industry
Legal Affairs
75 The extrusive risks, specific risk and prevention of revolving network loan
Fortune Plaza
79 How to break through the bottleneck of the development of REITs
83 Suggestions on the development of China Postal Savings Bank financing business
Leisure Time
88 Spice: the elegant culture in thousands years
Industry News
94 The first domestic airline joint official card was issued, etc