11 创新发展,打造“太阳信用卡”系列品牌
——访广州农村商业银行股份有限公司党委副书记、行长易雪飞 /彭惠新
16 差异化经营打造特色中小银行
——访徽商银行股份有限公司副行长慈亚平 /赵申
20 为持卡人“融创美好生活”
——访江苏银行股份有限公司消费金融与信用卡中心总经理杨巨人 /彭惠新
23 专业专注树品牌 同心同力同发展 /曹峰
26 抱团发展,助力成员行信用卡业务发展
——访山东省城市商业银行合作联盟有限公司董事长史跃峰 /彭惠新
32 区域性银行信用卡业务发展之道
——银联数据服务有限公司总裁王炎方访谈 /彭惠新
38 中小银行信用卡业务发展机遇与挑战 /伍旭川 廖海勇
42 信用卡分期在融资租赁购车领域的应用 /陈 瑛
金融IC 卡
46 关于移动金融与金融IC 卡融合发展的思考 /张宏琳
50 金融IC 卡非接闪付应用现状及发展趋势分析 /冯建宝
52 银行卡信息安全管理的利器:数据脱敏技术 /任小抒 等
55 对拓展互联网+“三农”普惠金融服务的三点思考 /潘镭 臧 猛
57“爱蹭卡”预付卡共享模式与风险分析 /郑 爽 董 锦
59 嘉峪关市普及非接支付的SWOT 分析及对策建议 /王君权
63 中国慈善金融的全球化视角 /马近朱
67 从质量和效益视角看单位结算账户运营风险 /中国工商银行江西省分行课题组
71 互联网现金借贷产品分析及风险防范 /边晓燕 宋立志
73 关于信用卡犯罪与案件审理情况实证分析的调研报告 /李世寅 姜新林
80 Avaya 以Fintech 为动力打造“智能客服”
82 投资凛冬将至,黄金和美元成避风港 /好买基金研究中心
85 理财新规改变了什么? 李要深
88 巷陌长 滋味浓
——蓉城美食散记 /时漫漫
94 工商银行推出澳门首款银联HCE 云闪付产品 等
Special Report
11 Create “Sun credit card” series brand by innovation and development
16 Build a characteristic small and medium-sized bank by differentiated business tactics
20 Create a better life for the cardholders
23 Establish a great brand by professional and concentration, work together with the development
26 Work together with to help member banks develop credit card business
32 Development road of regional banks’credit card business
Business Management
38 Opportunities and challenges for the development of credit card business in small and medium sized banks
42 The application of credit card installment in the field of financing lease for buying car
Financial IC Card
46 Thinking on the integration of mobile finance and financial IC Card
50 Application and trend on contactless QuickPass of financial IC card
Personal Financial
52 Data desensitization techniques,the tool of bankcard information security management
55 Three thoughts on expanding Internet + “three rural” inclusive financial services
Payment Innovation
57 The analysis of “AICENGKA” prepaid card
59 The SWOT analysis and countermeasures of popularizing contactless payment in Jiayuguan City
Finance Forum
63 The globalization perspective of China’s charity finance
67 Perspective from the quality and efficiency of the unit settlement account of operational risk
71 Analysis and risk prevention of Internet cash loan products
Legal Affairs
73 The survey report about credit card crime and trial empirical analysis
Enterprise Exhibition
80 Avaya built “intelligent customer service” driven by Fintech
Fortune Plaza
82 Investment winter is coming, the gold and the dollar become safe haven
85 What did the new financial rules change?
Leisure Time
88 Chengdu delicacy essays
Industry News
94 ICBC releases the first HCE UnionPay cloud QuickPass payment products in Macao, etc.