11 构建开放、共赢的移动支付生态环境 /曹汉平
15 开放、合作、创新 打造安全的移动支付生态圈 /徐晋耀
19 移动支付:数字普惠金融的有力支撑 /王 瑛
23 移动支付渐入佳境 /彭惠新
26 基于风险管理的信用卡盈利因素分析 /黄 怡
29 刷卡手续费调整对银行卡风险防范策略影响的探讨 /崔 哲
31 新经济环境下信用卡呆账核销政策的变革与展望 /应洪基 汤 啸
35 浅谈以盈利为导向的信用卡客户细分管理 /薛颖慧 俞艳红
金融IC 卡
40 对金融IC 卡与移动金融应用的思考 /何英畏
44 金融IC 卡在停车管理中的实践应用 /黄跃东
46 网点运营标准化管理改革的实践 /涂福寿 等
49 助农取款联网通用业务发展存在的主要问题 /何 虹
51 银行视角下的支付机构收单业务竞争力及发展对策 /郭效孟
57 对银联卡境外受理市场洗钱风险的思考 /唐 剑
60 防范电信诈骗的国际经验及启示 /杨立凤
63 批量开户业务洗钱风险探析及应对策略 /徐 红
65 农村征信宣传工作存在的问题及对策建议 /张大龙
67 由一起非典型储蓄存款合同纠纷案引发的思考 /赵 禹
70 银行卡资金安全与持卡人权益保护问题研究 /范云飞
73 意法安全芯片:性能与安全的集大成者
——意法半导体安全芯片MMS 战略部中国区负责人陈德勇访谈 /赵申
75 古诗词里游中国 /林 格
82“东方华尔街”记录天津历史风云 /张保军
84 回味那段“深蓝色”的历史
——深发展乐购联名卡图录品鉴 /张震天
89 收藏明式家具从“标准器”开始 /乔 皓
92 工商银行升级个人网银 等
Special Report
11 Construct an open and win-win ecological environment of mobile payment
15 Open, cooperation, innovation, create a secure mobile payment ecosystem
19 Mobile payment: the strong support of digital Inclusive Finance
23 Mobile payment is getting more and more enjoyable
Business Management
26 The credit card profit factor analysis based on risk management
29 A study of the credit card fee adjustment impacts on bank card risk prevention strategy
31 The policy change and prospect on write off bad loans of credit under the new economic environment
35 Brief discussion on the profit oriented credit card customer segmentation management
Financial IC Card
40 Thinking of financial IC card and mobile finance application
44 Practical application of financial IC card in parking management
Personal Financial
46 Reform practice of network operators standardized management
49 The major problems of networking usage business to help farmers withdrawal
Finance Forum
51 The paying agent acquiring business competitiveness and Countermeasures from the perspective of bank
57 Consideration of China UnionPay cards overseas acceptance market risk of money laundering
60 International experience and enlightenment for preventing telecommunications fraud
63 Analysis and coping strategies of batch account business money laundering risk
65 Problems and countermeasures of rural credit publicity work
Legal Affairs
67 The thinking triggered by an atypical savings contract dispute
70 Research on bank card money security and cardholder right protection
Enterprise Exhibition
73 ST Security chip: combination of performance and security
Leisure Time
75 Travelling in ancient Chinese poetry
Culture Essay
82 “Oriental Wall Street” records the history of Tianjin
84 Memories of the deep blue history of SDB cards
89 The collection of Ming style furniture to start from the “standard”
Industry News
92 ICBC upgraded personal online bank, etc