6 弘扬创新精神,激发创新动力 中国信用卡产业未来已来 /李云泽
13 防范打击电信网络诈骗 保障客户资金安全 /谢 众
18 获客互联网化 产品互联网化 服务互联网化
——工银信用卡互联网化转型发展之路 /王都富
24 谋创新 强服务,助推中银长城信用卡基业长青 /胡浩中
30 信用卡大数据应用的实践与展望 /王卫东
34 心怀梦想 共筑“无界”生态 /吕天贵
38 破茧成蝶:转型升级铺就腾飞之路 /戴 兵
42 民生银行信用卡活卡率领跑业内 /杨 科
45 借年轻化战略实现“巨人领跑” /林德明
48 兴业银行信用卡:跨界创新 激发活力 /汪 宇
52 国内信用卡行业现状与发展前瞻 /曾宽扬
55 以博弈模型解析信用卡业务盈利困局 /黄 怡
58 地市级城市银行卡收单市场发展现状分析及政策建议 /边晓燕 宋立志
62 区块链技术在支付场景的应用展望 /曹汉平
64 浅谈经济欠发达地区移动金融和金融IC卡受理环境的优化 /陈 伟
67 信用风险监测的国际经验与借鉴 /郑 冲
72 信用卡专项分期贷款的法律适用 /汤 啸 应洪基
75 银行行使混合担保权利面临的风险及其对策 /刘庆国 陈福录
78 银行理财市场回顾与展望 /普益标准
84 量化投资的神秘世界 /董凤新
88 上海票据交易所开业 等
90 工商银行发行国内首款“1+1”芯片公务卡 等
6 The future of China’s credit card industry is coming
Special Report
13 Preventing and combating telecommunications network fraud to protect the safety of customer funds
18 The internet transformation development road of ICBC credit card business
24 Promoting the sustained development of BOC’s Great Wall Credit Card by innovation and great service
30 Practice and prospect of credit card big data application
34 Creating the boundless ecological environment of credit card industry jointly with ambition
38 Paving the way for industry prosperity by transformation and upgrading
42 The active card rate of CMBC leads the industry
45 Achieve the goal of Giant Leading by Youth Strategy
48 Industrial Bank credit card business : cross-border innovation to stimulate vitality
52 Current situation and development prospect of domestic credit card industry
Business Management
55 Analysis of credit card business profit dilemma by game model
58 Analysis and policy suggestions on the development of bank card market in prefecture level city
Payment Innovation
62 Application prospect of block chain technology in payment field
64 Discuss on the optimization of mobile finance and financial IC card acceptance environment in undeveloped areas
Finance Forum
67 International experience and reference of credit risk monitoring
Legal Affairs
72 The Law application of Credit Installment Loan
75 Risks confronted by banks to Exercise Mixed Guarantee Rights and the Countermeasures
Fortune Plaza
78 Review and prospect of banking financial market
84 The secret of quantitative investment
Economic News
88 Shanghai Commercial Paper Exchange Corporation opened, etc.
Industry News
90 ICBC issued the first domestic “1+1”chip business card, etc.