9 工商银行:互联网化转型助力信用卡营销创新
——访中国工商银行牡丹卡中心总裁王都富 彭惠新
17 农业银行:以创新为本,实现精准互动营销
22 交通银行:创新营销,将方便实惠交给客户
——访交通银行信用卡中心总经理王卫东 彭惠新
26 金融科技为招商银行信用卡营销打开创新之门 彭惠新
29 浦发银行:以“破局思维+ 平台战略”推进信用卡营销新实践
赵 申
31 回归与创新:银行理财业务功能思辨
——访华夏银行个人业务部总经理王耀增 赵申
36 信用卡不良资产证券化探索与实践 王德润等
40 信用卡行业合作创新的实践和策略 季成 叶 军
43 刍议银行信用卡业务的内部审计 崔素芳
46 多方联动筑牢支付终端安全防线 谢香玲
48 我国银行卡、POS 机具风险管理现状及建议 何英畏
51 城镇储户网络调查与纸质调查样本代表性分析陈 伟 王 丹
56 对优化现代化支付系统的探索 高 鹤等
58 单位结算卡业务存在的风险隐患及政策建议何 虹 王胜武
61 嘉峪关市普及移动支付的SWOT 分析及措施 王君权
64 我国商业银行城市信贷市场与竞争力研究郑 冲
69 区块链技术在金融领域的应用初探 陶凯
72 恶意透支案件中信用卡卡片处理模式探析吴成杰
74 法院要求银行先处置抵押财产违背法律规定刘庆国 陈福录
76 财富配置全球化 港股投资正当时
79 中国投资者在海外投资中可能遇到的“坑” 伍治坚
83 米兰:神圣的爱与世俗的爱 邢 姗
88 古籍善本: 异军突起 王家年
92“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛成果丰硕 等
94 工商银行推出国内首张3D 打印定制信用卡 等
Special Report
9 Interview with Wang Dufu, President of ICBC Credit Card Center
17 Interview with Liu Weijie, the general manager of ABC Credit Card Center
22 Interview with Wang Weidong, the general manager of BANK OF COMMUNICATION Credit Card Center
26 Financial technology opens the door of credit card marketing innovation for China Merchants Bank
29 SPDB:A new practice of credit card marketing with “Break Stalemate Thinking + Platform Strategy”
31 Interview with Wang Yaozeng, the general manager of Huaxia Bank Personal Business Department
Business Management
36 Exploration and practice on the non-performing asset securitization of credit card
40 Practice and strategy of cooperative innovation in credit card industry
43 Discussion on internal audit of credit card business
Personal Financial
46 All kinds of partnerships cooperate in building the payment terminal security line
48 Current situation and suggestion of China’s bank card and POS machine risk management
51 Sample representation analysis of urban household settlement network survey and paper survey
Payment Innovation
56 The exploration to optimize modern payment system
58 The potential risks and policy suggestions in firm debit card business
61 The SWOT analysis and measures of mobile payment in Jiayuguan City
Finance Forum
64 Research on city credit market and competitiveness of China’s commercial banks
69 Application of block chain technology in financial field
Legal Affairs
72 Analysis on the processing mode of credit card in malicious overdraft cases
74 It’s against the law that the court asked the banks to dispose the collateral property first
Fortune Plaza
76 Interview with Chen Liqiu,the investment director of ChangAn Fund Management Co.,Ltd.
79 The potential traps for Chinese overseas investment
Leisure Time
83 Milan: sacred and profane love
Culture Essay
88 Ancient books:a dark horse in the collection market
Economic News
92 “The Belt and Road” International Cooperation Forum has been fruitful, etc.
Industry News
94 ICBC launched the first domestic 3D print customizable credit card, etc.