9 规范创新 保障安全 推动无卡支付健康发展 /谢 众
13 对支付场景化的思考和探索 /柴洪峰
20 支付创新:改变生活 重塑未来 /王都富
26 积极应对支付变革 开启无卡支付新时代 /刘伟杰
31 把握无卡支付机遇 构建支付生态圈 /张 杨
34 虚拟信用卡:无卡支付时代的信用卡创新 /谢香玲
37 新消费时代下的信用卡风险管理 /王德润 等
41 对信用卡透支快速增长的思考
——以江西省新余市为例 /胡唐济
45 日韩个人金融信息保护措施及其借鉴 /夏建邦
48 从“隔窗盗刷”看银行卡闪付风险防控 /潘镭
50 我国支付产业发展的若干共识和未来趋势 /陆强华
54 中国支付业在欧洲 /马近朱
59 信用卡进校园:疏堵结合治理校园贷 /崔素芳
62 校园不良网络借贷风险亟待防范与引导 /张大龙
65 信用卡网申的智能风控之道 /蒋 韬
68 盛大车管家:专业的汽车服务管家
70 净值型理财产品是未来发展方向 /王 琪
73 多维分析银行理财产品的现状和未来 /潘 珂
78 美、加国家公园游记 /朱鲁青
84 搞收藏先学点道教常识 /王家年
88 七部门叫停代币发行融资 等
90 工商银行推出教师专属信用卡 等
Special Report
9 Standardize innovation and ensure safety to promote healthy development of non-card payment
13 The reflection and exploration of pay scenarized
20 Payment innovation changes life and reshapes the future
26 Actively respond to changes in payment, open a new era of non-card payment
31 Grasp the opportunity of non-card payment and construct payment ecosystem
34 Virtual credit card is a credit card innovation in the non-card payment era
Business Management
37 Credit card risk management in the new consumption era
41 Reflections on the rapid growth of credit card overdrafts
Personal Financial
45 The practice and reference of personal financial information protection in Japan and Korea
48 Talking about the risk prevention and control of bank card Quick Pass from the event of “unauthorised payment from window”
Payment Innovation
50 The consensuses and future trends on the China’s payment industry development
54 China’s payment industry in Europe
Finance Forum
59 Credit card entering campus:combined with dredging and blocking to manage campus loans
62 The risk of bad Internet lending in campus is urgently needed to prevent
Innovative Finance
65 Intelligent risk control of credit card network applications
68 SUN CAR:the professional automotive steward
Fortune Plaza
70 Net-worth financial products are the development direction in the future
73 Multi-dimensional analysis of the current situation and future of bank wealth management products
Leisure Time
78 The travel notes of national parks in the United States and Canada
Culture Essay
84 Learn some Taoist common sense before you collect
Economic News
88 Seven ministries stop Initial Coin Offering, etc.
Industry News
90 ICBC issued teacher’s exclusive credit card, etc.