9 金融科技助力智慧零售金融转型 /宋建华
13 智能化驱动零售银行转型与发展 /杨益民
18 以智能化推动网点转型升级
——兴业银行银行卡与渠道部总经理汪宇访谈 /彭惠新
22 智能化助力商业银行零售业务发展 /孙中东
25 转型谋变 零售银行智能化渐入佳境 /赵 申
29 用“黑科技”逐鹿无卡支付时代 /苏 洁
31 信用卡反欺诈的“道”与“术”
——交通银行太平洋信用卡中心反欺诈理论及实践研究 /王敏慧
36 银行卡收单市场现状分析及建议 /袁 钢
40 信用卡微信营销吸引“六优”客户策略 /赵艳丰
43 ICO 禁令与虚拟货币的监管逻辑 /张 松
46 农牧区非现金支付环境建设分析 /姜其林 闫海燕
49 对商业银行信贷政策的若干思考 /郑 冲
54 发达经济体管理模式对我国银行外汇业务自律机制的启示及借鉴 /陈雪峰
58 浅议经济新常态下商业银行不良资产处置的创新举措 /赵 禹
61 持卡人“ 知道或应当知道” 银行卡被克隆的责任承担 /姜新林等
67 浅谈对外劳务合作企业的连带赔偿责任 /于明娟
70 金融科技风起云涌,银行如何变“危”为“机”? /邱维芸
74 股市的朱格拉牛到底“牛”在何处? /张 润 沙小弥
78 从养老金角度看FOF 的基本投资策略 /好买基金研究中心
81 墨中极品数徽墨 周 军
84 贝加尔湖之秋 /马兰萍
88 人民银行、银监会认真传达学习贯彻党的十九大精神 等
90 工商银行信用卡5 年拉动消费逾10 万亿元 等
Special Report
9 Financial technology helps intelligent retail finance with transformation
13 Intellectualization promotes transformation and development of retail banks
18 Interview with Wang Yu, general manager of Industrial Bank Department of Bank Card and Channel Management
22 Intellectualization helps commercial banks retail business develop
25 The retail banking’s Intellectualization is getting better with the help of transformation
Hot Point
29 Use the Black-technology to compete in the era of no card payment
Business Management
31 Research on anti-fraud theory and practice of Credit Card Center of Bank of Communications
36 Analysis and suggestion on current situation of bank card acquiring market
40 Strategies of credit card WeChat marketing attracting the “six excellent” customers
Payment Innovation
43 The regulatory logic of ICO ban and the virtual currency
46 Analysis of non-cash payment environment construction in agricultural and pastoral areas
Finance Forum
49 Some thoughts on the credit policy of commercial banks
54 The enlightenment and reference of the management mode of developed economy to the self-discipline mechanism of foreign exchange business in China
58 Discussion of innovative measures for the disposal of non-performing assets under the new normal economy
Legal Affairs
61 The cardholder is responsible for “know or ought to know” the bank card is cloned
67 A brief discussion on the joint compensation liability for foreign labor cooperation enterprises
Innovation Finance
70 Finance technology is surging, how can banks change the “crisis” to “opportunities”?
Fortune Plaza
74 Which industries will rise in the structural Juglar bull market?
78 Analyzing FOF’s basic investment strategy from the perspective of pension
Culture Essay
81 Huizhou inkstick is the best of Chinese traditional inkstick
Leisure Time
84 Autumn of Lake Baikal
Economic News
88 PBOC and CBRC convey and carry out the spirits of the 19th CPC National Congress, etc.
Industry News
90 ICBC credit cards have promoted consumption more than 10 trillion yuan during the last five years, etc.