9 中国银行信用卡消费分期业务在砥砺奋进中前行 /张 步
14 不忘初心,合规经营,消费金融助力满足人们美好生活需求 /余红永
19 谈消费金融在遵循合规监管前提下如何更好发展 /胡浩中
24 刍议后监管时代的互联网小贷 /朱新苗
28 防控金融风险背景下消费金融市场发展的政策建议 /厉克奥博
31 基于欧美经验谈我囯银行卡收单市场的监管 /唐先勇 周爱花
35 信用卡汽车分期付款业务分析
——基于工商银行漳州分行的实践 /包蒲生等
38 金融仲裁在信用卡催收中的运用 /陶红燕 高 明
41 农村资金持续流出效应应引起高度重视 /夏志琼
44 巨头之战:第三方支付方式革新与推进 /李虹含 贺 宁
48 第三方支付对商业银行影响浅析 /姜其林 付晓亮
50 人工智能在科技金融监管中的应用探索 /张 松
54 小众社交金融平台存在的风险及对策建议 /刘圣庆等
57“钱宝网跑路”事件对互联网金融反洗钱监管的启示及建议 /许井荣 张伟杰
60 信用卡管家类平台风险分析与监管建议 /陈文雍 孙 肃
64 浅谈新常态下法律服务工作的新思考 /赵 禹
67 小面额货币恶意支付法律规制探析 /党鸿钧
70 银行理财产品净值化转型迫在眉睫 /魏骥遥
74 资产配置的三种境界 /潘 珂
78 好的沟通是旅行人文摄影成功的一半 方略
80 西藏阿里的扎达秘境 /在远方的阿伦
84 贵州老银锭上的文化史 /王家年
88 共享普惠金融的“雨露甘霖”
90 中国银行保险监督管理委员会组建 等
92 工商银行推出粤港澳湾区信用卡 等
Special Report
9 The credit card instalments business of BOC is moving forward through sheer endeavor
14 Remain true to our original aspiration to meet the needs of the Chinese people’s good life with the help of consumer finance
19 How to push for the better development of consumer finance under the circumstance of regulatory environment
24 A brief discussion on the Internet small loan in the post regulatory Era
28 Policy suggestions on the development of consumer financial market under the background of financial risk prevention and control
Credit Card Operation
31 Basing on the experience of EU and US,an opinion on the Chinese bank card acquiring market supervision
35 An analysis of credit card car instalment business based on the practice of Zhangzhou branch of ICBC
38 The application of financial arbitration in the collection of credit cards
Personal Financial
41 The continuous outflow of rural funds should be highly regarded
Payment Innovation
44 The war of giants: innovation and development of the third-party payment
48 The analysis of the impact of the third-party payment on commercial banks
Finance Forum
50 Application of AI in the supervision of science and technology finance
54 The risks and recommendations of the niche social financial platform
57 Inspiration and suggestion of internet financial anti-money laundering regulation from “QianBao flee” event
60 Credit card manager platform risk analysis and regulatory suggestions
Legal Affairs
64 On the new thinking of legal service under the new situation
67 Analysis on legal regulation of malicious payment of small-sum currency
Wealth Management
70 The transition of net value of bank financial products is imminent
74 The three states of asset allocation
Leisure Time
78 Good communication is half the success of taking good travel humanistic photography
80 The mystery of Zhada in Ngari
Culture Essay
84 The cultural history on Guizhou sycee
Book Recommendation
88 Share the benefits of Inclusive Finance
Economic News
90 The China Banking Regulatory and Insurance Regulatory Commission is organized, etc.
Industry News
92 ICBC launched“Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”credit card, etc.