9 2018 年中国支付市场开放新格局 /彭惠新
12“走出去”,点燃支付业的星火 /马近朱
15 严监管促进支付行业规范发展 /谢香玲
18 人工智能助推信用卡业务智能化发展 /康 超
22 后支付时代的场景争夺战 /郝士鹏
25 百行征信:迎接中国“信用时代”的到来 /康 超
28“第七届中国支付清算论坛”在京召开 /彭惠新
32 金融生态圈获客机理及其经营策略建议
——以某银行江苏省分行车主金融生态圈为例 /孔德财 等
40 工商银行的智慧零售转型之路 /彭惠新
43 华夏银行零售金融业务提速 /谢香玲
45 基于区块链的数字货币风险管理问题探究 /张 松 胥 旭
49 边远牧区条码支付业务发展现状调查 /姜其林 等
52 百信银行交出周年成绩单 科技创新助力普惠金融落地 /康 超
54 对小型银行配置信贷审批决策引擎的思考与探讨 /顾亦明
58 对一起信用卡套现理财逾期案件的处理与思考 /杨 勇
62 盛世大联车管家:耕耘汽车后市场,构建服务生态链
——盛世大联执行董事兼车管家事业部掌舵人罗松林访谈 /谢香玲
64 关于盘活商业银行沉默资产的思考(二)
——金融科技助力智能营销,高效实现高价值客户批量转化 /康旗股份
66 国内商业银行基于手机银行App 开展互联网财富管理业务的思考 /邹细兵
72 布达佩斯游记 /彬 烜
76 探求互联网金融成长之道
78 人民银行、银保监会、证监会联合发布《关于完善系统重要性金融机构监管的指导意见》等
80 中国银联联合商业银行推出小微企业卡等
85《中国信用卡》2018 年总目录
Special Report
9 New pattern of China’s payment market opening in 2018
12 “Going out” strategy and practice of China’s payment industry
15 The strict supervision promotes the standard development of the payment industry
18 AI boosts intelligent development of credit card business
22 Scenario competition in the post-payment era
25 Baihang Credit called for China’s “credit era”
Hot Point
28 The 7th China Payment and Clearing Forum was held in Beijing
Credit Card Operation
32 Financial ecosystem acquiring customer mechanism and its business strategy recommendations ——Taking car owners’ financial ecosystem in a state-owned bank Jiangsu branch as an example
Personal Financial
40 ICBC’s smart retail transformation road
43 Hua Xia Bank’s retail financial business speeds up
Payment Innovation
45 The research on risk management of digital currency based on block chain
49 The investigation on the development status of QR code payment business in remote pastoral areas
Finance Forum
52 CITIC aiBank gave an answer of the first anniversary, technological innovation helps the development of inclusive finance
54 Thinking and exploration of the deposition of credit approval decision engine in small banks
Legal Affairs
58 Dealing with and thinking about a case of overdue credit card arbitrage
Industry Application
62 Interview with Luo Songlin,the executive director of Sun Car,responsible for the overall operations of group’s automobile butler division
64 FinTech helps intelligent marketing to realize batch conversion of high-value customers
Wealth Management
66 Thinking about domestic commercial banks’ internet wealth management business based on mobile banking App
Leisure Time
72 The journey to Budapest
Culture Essay
Book Recommendation
76 Exploring the growth of internet finance
Economic News
78 The PBOC, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission have jointly released a guideline to improve the supervision of systemic important financial institutions,etc.
Industry News
80 China UnionPay and commercial banks jointly launched the small and micro businesses card,etc.
Total Contents
85 Total Contents of China Credit Card in 2018