6 产业重塑、生态共建,开创信用卡产业发展新未来 /王都富
13 中国银行卡产业:坚定方向 永葆初心改革新征程再出发 /潘光伟
18 跨越2018面向未来 推动我国支付产业高质量发展 陈 波
22 中国银行卡产业2018年回顾及2019年展望 /时文朝
28 新起点 再出发 /薛亚芹
31 创新引领未来 迈向智慧化金融时代 /王卫东
34 不忘初心,光大信用卡践行责任与担当 /刘瑜晓
38 顺势求新 砥砺前行 民生信用卡开启“信任长在”新篇章 /陈大鹏
42 信用卡迎来市场回归,场景化成决胜关键 /林德明
46 兴业银行信用卡:科技赋能助力信用卡业务稳步发展 /汪 宇
50 平安信用卡:零售转型战略落地,全面释放转型活力 /曾宽扬
53 年轻态、强主张、数字化,“三驾马车”拉动产品赋能 /常青
57 谨守初心、凝心聚力,以服务和创新开创多赢未来 /刘伟德
60 践行支付创新 JCB 续写中国事业新篇章 /大冈俊文
——简评新《解释》对信用卡业务的影响 /吴春林曹 迪
68 信用卡不良资产证券化的思考及建议 /荀 婧 等
71 建设银行:运用金融科技,开启普惠金融战略发展新时代 /谢香玲
73 浙商银行:打造“智能制造服务银行” 助力民营经济转型升级 /康 超
75 大数据应用:从认知、实践到价值创造 /曹汉平
81 撤回上诉后一审法院能否扣划二审法院所冻存款的案例分析 /陈福录
83 关于盘活商业银行沉默资产的思考(三)
——康旗股份“大数据+”服务深度唤醒海量借记卡客户价值 /康旗股份
85 惊艳纳米比亚 李 萍
90 国务院反假货币工作联席会议第六次会议在京召开等
92 交通银行太平洋苏宁信用卡焕新升级 等
6 Industrial rebuilding and ecological co-construction invent the new future of credit card industry
Special Report
13 China’s bank card industry embarks on the new reform journey with firm direction and the original aspiration
18 Crossing 2018 and facing the future to promote high quality development of payment industry in China
22 Annual review and prospect of China’s bankcard industry
28 New starting point, Start off again
31 Innovation leading the future to embark upon a new era of intelligent finance
34 Remain true to our original aspiration, CEB Credit Card Center lives up to the responsibility
38 CMB credit card opens a new chapter of “Trust to Last”
42 Scene becomes the decisive key in the returned market of credit card
46 Technology empowers the steady development of credit card business of INDUSTRIAL BANK
50 The implementation of retail transformation strategy relieves the vitality of Ping An credit card
53 The drive to empower payment products in the new economy
57 Staying true to the mission and gathering strength,to greate an all-win future through servicing and innovation
60 JCB continues the new chapter of China’s cause by payment innovation
64 The change of judicature recognized of credit card “Malicious Overdraft”
Credit Card Operation
68 Thoughts and suggestions on the non-performing assets securitization of credit card
Finance Horizon
71 China Construction Bank ushers in a new era of strategic development of inclusive finance by FinTech
73 China Zheshang Bank helps the private economy transform and upgrade by creating an “intelligent manufacturing service bank”
Network Finance
75 Big data application:from cognition,practice to value creation
Legal Affairs
81 Case analysis of whether the court of first instance can deduct the frozen deposits of the court of second instance after withdrawing the appeal
Industry Application
83 Kangqi “big data+” serves awaken the value of massive debit card holders
Leisure Time
85 Amazing Namibia
Economic News
90 Sixth meeting of State Council Anti-Counterfeit Currency Joint Conference held in Beijing,etc.
Industry News
92 Bank of Communications-Pacific-Suning credit card upgrade,etc.