9 信用卡的时代印记 /彭惠新
14 方寸信用卡,凝聚千载文化 /彭惠新
18 聚焦联名信用卡,打造消费金融生态圈 /康 超
22 细分客群,2018 信用卡产品个性十足 /谢香玲
28 信用卡和消费信贷的系统性风险:关键诱因和对策建议 /季 成 叶 军
32 银保监会:2018 年回顾与2019 年展望 /彭惠新
35 银行卡境外提现数据管理难点分析及对策建议 /姜其林
38 情报引领反欺诈 双剑合璧建奇功
——交通银行信用卡中心协助警方破获特大境外机窃取银行卡信息案 /陆斯星
40 康旗股份:通过合作赋能实现多方共赢 /彭惠新
42 善用心中的“猎枪” /陈玉明
45 新书推荐
2018 年全国性商业银行信用卡大事记
46 中国工商银行2018 年信用卡大事记
49 中国农业银行2018 年信用卡大事记
53 中国银行2018 年信用卡大事记
56 中国建设银行2018 年信用卡大事记
59 交通银行2018 年信用卡大事记
63 中信银行2018 年信用卡大事记
66 中国光大银行2018 年信用卡大事记
68 华夏银行2018 年信用卡大事记
70 中国民生银行2018 年信用卡大事记
73 招商银行2018 年信用卡大事记
76 广发银行2018 年信用卡大事记
79 兴业银行2018 年信用卡大事记
82 上海浦东发展银行2018 年信用卡大事记
86 平安银行2018 年信用卡大事记
88 中国邮政储蓄银行2018 年信用卡大事记
90 人民银行开展2019 年一季度定向中期借贷便利操作 等
92 工银故宫联名信用卡上市 等
Special Report
9 The stamp of times on the credit card
14 Thousand years of culture focused on the credit card
18 Focus on joint credit card and create the ecological circle of consumer finance
22 Segmenting customers make credit card products in 2018 into personalization
Credit Card Operation
28 Systemic risk of credit card and consumer credit: key incentives and countermeasures
Finance Horizon
32 Annual review and prospect of CBIRC
Personal Financial
35 Analysis of difficulties in data management of bank card overseas withdrawal and suggestions on countermeasures
Legal Affairs
38 Bank of Communications Credit Card Center assists police in cracking the criminal case of stealing bank card information through V-PAY POS
Industry Application
40 Kangqi:achieving win-win through cooperation and empowerment
Culture Essay
42 Make good use of “shotgun” at heart
45 New books recommendation
Chronicle of Events
2018 Chronicle of credit card events of main domestic banks
46 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of ICBC
49 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of ABC
53 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of BOC
56 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of CCB
59 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of BANK OF COMMUNICATION
63 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of CNBC
66 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of CEB
68 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of HUAXIA BANK
70 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of CMBC
73 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of CMB
76 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of CGB
79 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of INDUSTRIAL BANK
82 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of SPDB
86 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of PINGAN BANK
88 2018 Chronicle of credit card events of POSTAL SAVINGS BANK OF CHINA
Economic News
90 PBC developed TMLF operation in the first quarter of 2019, etc.
Industry News
92 ICBC-Palace Museum joint credit card listed, etc.