9 信用卡营销聚焦春节消费季 /彭惠新
13 节日刷卡“新姿势” /谢香玲
17信用卡助力春节境外游 /康 超
20 关于扩大“云闪付”移动近场支付市场份额的思考/中国人民银行党校第34期进修班第7组学员
27 信用卡套现产业化的潜在风险与政策建议 /王潮端
——从同程旅游线下场景营销谈起 /姚 晓 汪智明
38 广发银行:让民营企业搭上“民营金融快车” /彭惠新
40 渤海银行:在引进吸收基础上实现本土化改造 /彭惠新
42 商业银行长尾零售用户拓展营销策略研究 /孙尤嘉
51 核心竞争力提升背景下网点新岗位体系改革的探索与实践 /汪志勇
55 中国支付业在欧洲( 德国篇) /马近朱
61 银行卡清算市场监管的国际经验研究 /魏金浩
64 对境外盗刷信用卡损失赔偿责任认定的案例剖析 /李世寅
66 金融消费权益保护属地管理原则急需做扩大解释 /杨 勇
68 对做好电话营销知识管理工作的思考与建议 /王 文
70 关于有效开展受益所有人身份识别工作的思考 /徐 红
73 中国银行纽约分行反洗钱处罚案例分析及启示 /许井荣
78 圣托里尼:一个蓝白的纯净世界 /韩 峰
82 太行雪韵 /张海勇
84 新书推荐
86 妙洁虚静 洁净空灵——读尹冰之画有感 /张保军
90 深化金融供给侧结构性改革 增强金融服务实体经济能力 等
92 中国银行推出中银数字信用卡 等
Special Report
9 Credit card marketing focuses on Spring Festival consumption season
13 The “new posture” of swiping card on holiday
17 Credit card helps overseas travel during the Spring Festival
20 Consideration on expanding market share of UnionPay QuickPass
Credit Card Operation
27 Potential risks and policy suggestions of the industrialization of illegal-cash-advance of credit card
35 Discussion on offline promotion mode of credit card under the background of “internet+”
Finance Horizon
38 CGB gives the private enterprise a lift on the “private financial express”
40 China Bohai Bank realizes localization transformation on the basis of introduction and absorption
Personal Financial
42 Research on marketing strategy of long-tail retail users of commercial banks
51 Exploration and practice of the reform of new position system in branches under the background of improving core competitiveness
Network Finance
55 China’s payment industry in Europe (Germany)
61 Research on the international experience of bank card clearing market regulation
Legal Affairs
64 The case analysis on the identification of loss compensation liability of overseas credit card fraud
66 The principle of territorial management of financial consumer rights protection needs to be expanded
Finance Forum
68 Thoughts and suggestions on doing a good job in management of telephone marketing knowledge
70 Thoughts on effective identification of beneficial owners
73 Case analysis and enlightenment of anti-money laundering penalty of Bank of China New York branch
Leisure Time
78 Santorini, a pure world of blue and white
82 The rhythm of snow of Taihang
Culture Essay
84 New books recommendation
86 The perception of reading Yin Bing’s painting
Economic News
90 Deepening the structural reform of the financial supply-side and strengthening the financial sector’s ability to serve the real economy, etc.
Industry News
92 Bank of China launched the digital credit card, etc.