9 以新理念新技术开启跨境支付新时代 /王都富
15 跨境支付:信用卡业务发展新“蓝海” /薛亚芹
18 银联国际加快拓展跨境数字化支付业务 /蔡辉明
22 挖掘数据分析潜力,助力跨境支付发展 /李展宏
27 支付市场新格局与行业发展之管见 /陈玉明
32 以合作为主题,驱动消费金融业务的场景拓展和风控能力提升 /邹细兵
37 2017 年英国欺诈犯罪形势特点以及对我国反欺诈工作的启示 /姚 奇
45 境外零售银行优化转型案例分析 /李 源
50 关于基层银行银行卡条线风险防控的若干思考 /杨 鹏 黄胜利
53 移动支付对现金支付的替代效应分析 /张文强
60 移动支付在口岸地区的业务探索及前景展望
——以内蒙古二连浩特口岸为例 /姜其林 海 鹰
63 对一起信用卡网络发卡案例的法律问题分析 /曹 迪 张 杰
65 浅谈对贷款保证金特定化的理解和应用探讨 /陈福录
69 洞察家庭财富管理现状 助推普惠金融发展 /康 超
72 兴业研究:助力商业银行转型发展 /彭惠新
74 电子商业承兑汇票业务风险及应对建议 /陈 磊
77 邮储银行业务实践分析
——以公司存款、企业网银、福费廷营销为例 /俞富强
80 守望婺剧 /谭秋民
82 春湖料峭雁如潮
——记雪雁迁徙 /黎晓波
86 广州ICBC 银行卡版本研究 /张震天
89 新书推荐
90 人民银行发布2018 年支付体系运行总体情况 等
92 中银北京志愿者证联名信用卡发布 等
Special Report
9 Opening a new era of cross-border payment with new ideas and new technologies
15 Cross-border payment: the new Blue Ocean for credit card business development
18 UnionPay International accelerates expanding cross-border digital payment business
22 Unleash the potential of data analysis to enable cross-border payments
27 Opinions on the new pattern of payment market and industry development
Credit Card Operation
32 Taking cooperation as the theme, driving the expansion of consumer finance business scene and promotion the ability of risk control
37 The characteristics of the situation of fraud crime in Britain in 2017 and its enlightenment to the anti-fraud work in China
Personal Financial
45 Case study on optimal transformation of an overseas retail bank
50 Some thoughts on the risk prevention and control of bank cards business in grass-roots banks
Network Finance
53 Analysis of substitution effect of mobile payment for cash payment
60 The exploration and prospect of mobile payment business in the port area
Legal Affairs
63 Analysis of legal issues in a case of issuing credit cards through the internet
65 Talking about the understanding and application of the specification of loan margin
Wealth Management
69 Promoting the development of inclusive finance by having insight into the state of household wealth management
Finance Forum
72 CIB Research: promoting the transition and development of commercial banks
74 Risks and countermeasures for electronic commercial acceptance bills business
77 Practice analysis of Postal Savings Bank business
——Taking corporate deposit,corporate internet banking, forfeiting marketing as an example
Leisure Time
80 Watching Wuju opera
82 Wild tide of snowing geese
Culture Essay
86 Research on the version of Guangzhou ICBC bank card
89 New books recommendation
Economic News
90 The PBC released the Overall Operation of the Payment System in 2018,etc.
Industry News
92 BOC-Beijing volunteer certificate joint credit card issued,etc.