9 科技赋能 创新求变 北京银行信用卡数字化转型探索 /邢晓青
13 数字转型,垂类聚集、体验经营,城商行信用卡发展路径初探 /徐成贵
17 科技赋能 场景布局 做强做优消费金融 /曹 峰
22 铭记信用卡百万征程,构建数字化科技金融 /申明春
28 顺势求新 砥砺前行 以科技驱动业务稳健发展
——访广州银行信用卡中心总经理助理陈海锋 /彭惠新
33 剑走偏锋,“小”有可为
——浅谈区域性银行信用卡业务发展转型之路 /关 华
37 区域性银行年报中的信用卡业务
40 支付机构洗钱风险评估探究 /高同裕
44 商业银行信用卡业务获客场景分析 /肖 谢
48 揭开汽车分期收费乱象的面纱 /郑朝辉
51 Apple Card 及其对我国支付产业的启示 /张 璇
53 推行新岗位改革 释放经营活力
——工商银行江西省上饶市胜利路支行网点改革纪实 /中国工商银行江西省分行运行管理部课题组
56 第三方支付的发展对传统支付清算机构的启示 /刘 松
59 对基层人民银行金融消费权益保护检查的实践与思考
——以信用卡产品为例 /范云飞
62 基层人民银行需从七方面做好金融消费权益保护工作 /杨 勇
64 以抚顺视角看资源枯竭型城市的商业银行经营之困 /才大为 夏建邦
67 对我国虚拟货币监管政策的反思与重构
——基于中日监管政策比较研究的视角 /韩 斐
73 基层人民银行预算管理应用绩效评价探析 /王一璇
76 巴黎圣母院之殇 /谭秋民
80 漫漫大洋路 /蔡宁伟
85 谁最早提出了“信用卡”的概念?
——从100 多年前的美国科幻小说Looking Backward 说起 /陈子
88 新书推荐
90 人民银行发布2018 年农村地区支付业务发展总体情况 等
92 中国银联发布《中国银行卡产业发展报告(2019)》 等
Special Report
9 Practical exploration of digital transformation development of credit card business of Beijing Bank
13 Discussion on the development path of credit card business of city commercial banks
17 Technology empowerment and scene layout to make consumer finance bigger and stronger
22 Bear in mind the million credit cards issuance journeys,constructing digitalized technology finance
28 Interview with Chen Haifeng, general manager assistant of Guangzhou Bank Credit Card Center
33 Talking about the development and transition of credit card business in regional banks
37 Credit card business in the annual reports of listed regional banks
40 Research on risk assessment of money laundering in payment institutions
Credit Card Operation
44 Analysis on the scene of customer acquisition in commercial bank credit card business
48 Unveiling the chaos of automobile installment charge
51 Apple Card and its enlightenment to Chinese payment industry
Personal Financial
53 Documentary on the reform of Shengli Road Sub-branch, Jiangxi Shangrao Branch, ICBC
Network Finance
56 The enlightenment of the development of third party payment to traditional payment and settlement institutions
Legal Affairs
59 Thoughts on the practice of checking the protection of financial consumption rights of basic People’s Banks——Taking credit card products as an example
62 Basic people’s Banks need to protect the rights and interests of financial consumers from seven aspects
Finance Forum
64 Viewing the operation dilemma of commercial banks in resource-exhausted cities from the perspective of Fushun City,
Liaoning Province
67 Reflection and reconstruction of China’s virtual monetary regulation policy based on comparison of regulatory policies between China and Japan
73 Analysis on the performance evaluation of budget management application of basic People’s Banks
Leisure Time
76 The elegy of Notre-Dame de Paris
80 The long Great Ocean Road
Culture Essay
85 Who put forward the concept of “credit card” first?
88 New books recommendation
Economic News
90 The PBC released the overall situation of payment business development in rural areas in 2018,etc.
Industry News
92 China UnionPay issued China Bank Card Industry Development Report (2019) ,etc.