9 拥抱趋势 加快转型 打造智慧型零售银行 /刘 鑫
13 适应市场需求变化 加快收单业务转型 /王耀增
18 以客为本 科技赋能 江苏银行智慧零售转型探索之路 /梅振坤
22 智慧零售:商业银行零售业务转型方向 /彭惠新
28 深化经营 固本行远
——2018银行年报之信用卡专题解读 /曹光宇 黄 瑛
46“流量经营”思维下的信用卡拓客策略探析 /叶 军 周 振
53 信用卡家装分期之“假装”风险点的把控与应对 /肖 旺
55 中国支付业在欧洲(英国篇) /马近朱
61 银行卡盗刷案件中人卡是否分离的证据认定分析 /李世寅
64 信用卡网络加办卡相关法律问题分析 /周瑞翔 曹 迪
66 金融科技内涵简析和未来展望 /吴水炯
69 银行房地产融资风险防控研究 /郑 冲 王雪英
74 盛大车管家:回归服务本源,提升客户体验
——上海盛世大联汽车服务有限公司运营中心总经理潘嵘访谈 /康 超
76 科技驱动保险新业态,康旗股份打造红心柚保险服务小生态 /程鹏俊
78 春之韵 /宋翰乙
82 从外资银行在华发卡看中国金融市场的稳步开放 /张震天
88 新书推荐
90 人民银行、银保监会依法联合对包商银行实施接管 等
92《中国移动支付发展报告(2019)》发布 等
Special Report
9 Embrace trends, accelerate transformation and create smart retail banks
13 Accelerate the transformation of acquiring business to adapt to the changing market demand
18 The way to explore the intelligent retail transformation of Bank of Jiangsu by customer-based idea and technology empowerment
22 Intelligent retail, the direction of retail business transformation of commercial banks
28 Special interpretation of credit card in 2018 bank annual reports
Credit Card Operation
46 A probe into the strategy of credit card extension under the thinking of “view accounts management”
53 The control and countermeasures of “pretending” risk points in the house decoration instalment of credit card
Network Finance
55 China payment industry in Europe(UK)
Legal Affairs
61 The evidence identification analysis of whether the cardholder and the bank card are separated in bank card fraud swiping case
64 Analysis of legal issues related to reapplying for another credit card from the same bank online
Finance Forum
66 FinTech connotation and future prospect
69 Research on risk prevention and control of bank real estate financing
Industry Application
74 Sun Car returns to the source of service and improves customer experience
76 Science and technology drive the new state of insurance, Kangqi creates the small ecology of HXYOU Insurance
Broker service
Leisure Time
78 The charm of spring
Culture Essay
82 Focus on the steady opening of Chinese finance markets from foreign banks issuing bank cards in China
88 New books recommendation
Economic News
90 The PBC and the BIRC jointly took over Baoshang Bank in accordance with the law,etc.
Industry News
92 China mobile payment Development Report(2019) was issued,etc.