9 工商银行手机银行为打造第一个人金融银行赋能 /钱 斌
14 新形势下的银行线上平台数字化运营 /伊劲松
17 客户体验驱动 金融科技加持 手机银行助力零售业务转型 /梅振坤
20 开放获客 双App 驱动线上零售业务转型 /程 杰
23 手机银行App :银行零售金融发展新天地
——广州银行构建智能化线上服务场景的思考 /谭 晶 赵志东
29 如何打造好用、客户爱用的手机银行 /朱 炎
33 移动App :零售转型的空中桥梁 /李旸
37 App 应用市场发展浅析 /梁小吟
41 部分商业银行手机银行发展情况一览 /崔 毅
48 关于应用金融科技手段防控信用卡分期业务风险的思考 /韩丽君
52 对基层商业银行商户发展现状的思考与建议 /杨 鹏
57 信用卡互联网获客转型趋势分析 /宋 颖
61 华夏银行:推进特色品牌建设,形成差异化竞争优势 /彭惠新
64 平安银行:聚合科技动能 服务中小微企业 /彭惠新
66 全球化转型升级下中国支付业的发力点 /马近朱
73 初创期信贷产品申请评分建模方法综述 /王方春 宋 洁
76 法兴银行9500 万美元反洗钱处罚案分析及启示 /许井荣
82 爱上希腊蓝 /钟新宇
88 新书推荐
90 国务院提出20 条扩大消费的措施 等
92 工商银行与中国移动在北京签署战略合作协议 等
Special Report
9 Mobile banking empowering ICBC to build the first Personal Financial Bank
14 Digital operation of bank online platform in the new situation
17 Acquiring customers by open-banking, double Apps driving the transition of online retail business
20 Driven by customer experience and supported by FinTech, mobile banking helps retail business transition
23 Mobile banking App: a new field of banking retail finance development
29 How to create a useful and customer-friendly mobile bank
33 Mobile App:An Air Bridge for Retail Transition
37 Analysis of Application Market development
41 A Survey of mobile banking development of commercial banks
Credit Card Operation
48 Thoughts on the application of FinTech to prevent and control the risk of credit card installment business
52 The thinking and suggestion on the present situation of merchants in grass-roots commercial banks
57 Analysis on the transformation trend of credit card acquiring customers on the internet
Finance Horizon
61 HUAXIA BANK promoting the construction of characteristic brands to form differentiated competitive advantages
64 PING AN BANK gathering technology energy to serve the small and micro enterprises
Network Finance
66 The focal point of China’s payment industry in the context of the transformation and upgrading of globalization
Finance Forum
73 Summary of modeling methods for credit product application scoring in the initial period
76 Analysis and enlightenment of anti-money laundering penalty case of 95 million dollars of SOCIETE GENERALE
Leisure Time
82 Falling in love with Greek blue
Culture Essay
88 New books recommendation
Economic News
90 The State Council proposed 20 measures to expend consumption,etc.
Industry News
92 ICBC and China Mobile signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing,etc.