9 守初心 聚情怀 打造极智客户体验 /宋建华
14 科技引领 智能服务——中国银行全力提升线下客户服务体验 /李 晶
20 加快推进网点转型,提升线下客户服务体验 /刘 鑫
26 致力打造一流财富管理银行客户体验 /齐 晔
31 金融科技助推农业银行网点数字化转型的实践与思考 /刘兆龙 杨 乐
37 招商银行为网点注入新零售思维,赋予客户体验新价值 /王宪之
41 探访京城5G 网点 /康超
46 工银澳门信用卡:十年坚守 砥砺前行 /闫 洁
52 民生信用卡升级品牌文化战略 /谢香玲
56 社会机构信用卡账单管理业务分析及管理研究 /李述琴
60 中国银行:发挥金融服务优势 全力支持自贸区建设 /谢香玲
63 浙商银行:立足“产业+ 教育”,构建金融扶贫长效机制 /彭惠新
66 智能投顾用户画像的优化研究 /王皛譞 陈 进
70 论信用卡模型应用中的“三大关系” /小旗
72 走进印尼乡村小学 /谭秋民
76 剪纸的艺术感悟 /沈叶青
79 新书推荐
81 人民银行发布《中国金融稳定报告(2019)》 等
83 工商银行与中粮集团签署全面战略合作协议 等
86《中国信用卡》2019 年总目录
Special Report
9 ICBC creates the extremely intelligent customer experience
14 Bank of China strives to improve offline customer service experience
20 Accelerating the transformation of outlets to improve offline customer service experience
26 Devoting to create the customer experience of first-class wealth management bank
31 Practice and thinking of digital transformation of ABC outlets promoted by financial technology
37 CMB injects new retail thinking into the outlets and endows customer experience with new value
41 Visiting 5G bank outlets in Beijing
Credit Card Operation
46 ICBC-Macau credit card: adhere to struggle for ten years to forge ahead
52 CMBC credit card upgrades the strategy of brand culture
56 Business analysis and management research of credit card billing management in social institutions
Finance Horizon
60 Bank of China:support the development of free trade zones fully by giving play to the advantages of financial services
63 China ZheShang Bank: build a long-term mechanism of financial poverty alleviation based on “Industry + Education”
Personal Financial
66 Research on the optimization of personas of robo-adviser
Industry Application
70 On the “the three relations” in the application of the credit card model
Leisure Time
72 Walking into a village primary school of Indonesia
Culture Essay
76 Artistic perceiving of paper-cut
79 New books recommendation
Economic News
81 The PBC issued 2019 China Financial Stability Report ,etc.
Industry News
83 ICBC and COFCO signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement,etc.
Total Contents
86 Total Contents of China Credit Card in 2019