7 全面强化金融服务 万众一心共克时艰——工银信用卡积极投身疫情防控阻击战 /王都富
13 共患难,克时艰 农业银行信用卡助力打赢疫情防控战 /薛亚芹
16 众志成城 敏捷反应 坚决打赢疫情防控阻击战 /黄金岳
22 光大信用卡助力金融战“疫”:“你的安全,我来守护” /刘瑜晓
26 众志成城抗疫情 多措并举保民生——民生银行信用卡中心助力打赢疫情防控阻击战 /陈大鹏
30 广发信用卡多措并举助力打赢疫情防控战 /林德明
34 同心协力 共同战“疫”——邮储银行信用卡中心全力支持抗击疫情侧记 /谢香玲
36 信守温度 共克时艰——中信银行暖心服务助力战“疫” /康 超
39 有责任有担当,招商银行信用卡多措并举抗疫情 /彭惠新
42 华夏一心 共抗疫情——华夏银行信用卡中心多项差异化服务助力疫情防控 /谢香玲
44 共克时艰 兴业银行卡打出战“疫”组合拳 /孙鹏云
46 平安银行信用卡中心多措并举助力打赢疫情防控阻击战 /谢香玲
49 共债常态化背景下信用卡发展策略研究 /周 燕 等
59 科技创新助力浦发信用卡快速发展 /夏心愉
64 商业银行以客户为中心的产品推广工作体系研究 /高 山 罗 斐
72 五次飞行三过海关,我们终于把“宝贝”带回来了 /吴 斌
78 疫情、微信与穿越生活的智慧之路——浅谈网络科技时代的社交生活 /陈玉明
82 抗击疫情,众志成城——盘点湖北地区医保、医药及医院联名卡 /张震天
89 武汉:战“疫”之外,更有大美 /沈海滨
92 五部委联合发文强化金融对疫情防控工作的支持 等
94 农业银行emoji 信用卡2020 年限量版全新发布 等
Special Report
7 Strengthening financial services in an all-round way——ICBC Credit Card actively participates in the fight against epidemic prevention and control
13 The Credit Card Center of ABC helps win epidemic prevention and control war
16 Committed to agile response, resolutely win the fight against epidemic prevention and control
22 The Credit Card Center of CEB helps win the epidemic prevention and control war
26 The Credit Card Center of CMBC helps win the epidemic prevention and control war
30 CGB credit card has multi-measures to help win the epidemic prevention and control war
34 The Credit Card Center of Postal Savings Bank of China fully supports the fight against the epidemic
36 CITIC Bank’s heartwarming services help fight against the epidemic
39 CMB credit card takes multiple measures to fight the epidemic
42 A number of differentiated services at Huaxia Bank Credit Card Center help prevent and control the epidemic
44 CIB takes multiple measures to fight the epidemic
46 The Credit Card Center of Ping An Bank takes multiple measures to help win the epidemic prevention and control war
Credit Card Operation
49 Research on the development strategy of credit card under the background of common debt normalization
Brand Construction
59 Technology innovation boosts the rapid development of SPD Bank’s credit card
Personal Finance
64 Research of customer-oriented product promotion system in banking industry
Culture Essay
72 Five flights over the customs three times, we finally brought It back
78 Discusses on the social life in the era of network technology
82 A list of the co-branded cards of health insurance, medicine and hospital in Hubei
Leisure Time
89 Wuhan: beyond the “epidemic”, more beautiful
Economic News
92 The five ministries and commissions jointly issued the document to strengthen financial support for epidemic prevention and control, etc
Industry News
94 New release of ABC emoji credit card limited edition in 2020, etc.