9 电商为翼,金融为体,商融结合赋能实体经济 /鲁小涛
15 中信银行信用卡友鱼商城:构筑一站式“金融+ 消费生活”服务平台 /康 超
19 银行系电商平台的分化与进化 /彭惠新
24 对银行系电商发展的思考——由黄峥身家超越马云想到的 /龙 昊
27 危中有机:加强银行信用卡中心和互联网机构合作 /张 倩 胡宏洋
32 浅谈《民法典》新规定对银行信贷业务的影响 /陈福录
37 基于网络金融视角解读《民法典》 /胡小龙
41 加强存量客户经营,提升市场核心竞争力 /李 昕 蔺 彬
44 信用卡业务应从客户服务向用户服务转型 /魏 芳
47 建设银行:探路可持续发展扶贫新模式 /谢香玲
50 银行业务人员的数字化转型 /郭锐鹏 谷文哲
56 关于支付市场垄断与跨市场竞争问题的探讨 /张 璇
61 基层人民银行关于完善非银行支付机构监管对策建议 /陈 磊
64 对后疫情时代互联网金融发展机遇的几点思考 /秦 芳
69 地摊经济下银行新零售该如何创新? /彭 智
72 小微企业应收账款融资业务发展问题研究——以甘肃省嘉峪关市为例 /王 霞
76 理性看待我国支付市场面临的挑战 /杨 涛
79 支付行业应坚持“创新不缺位、合规不越位” /陈玉明
82 疫情下金融机构与金融科技企业的融合大势 /马近朱
85 追溯第一张磁条信用卡的诞生历程 /陈子
88 新书推荐
90 人民银行等五部委进一步降低小微企业综合融资成本 等
92 工商银行成立工银大学新星学院 等
Special Report
9 E-commerce as the wing, finance as the body, combining business and finance to empower the real economy
15 CITIC Bank Credit Card Youyu Mall: building a one-stop service platform for “finance +consumer life”
19 Differentiation and evolution of banking e-commerce platform
24 Thoughts on the development of banking e-commerce platform
27 Opportunities in crisis: enhancing cooperation between bank credit card centres and internet agencies
Hot Point
32 About the influence of new provisions of the Civil Code on bank credit business
37 Interpretation of the Civil Code from the perspective of internet finance
Credit Card Operation
41 Strengthen management of stock customer and enhance market core competitiveness
44 Credit card business should be transformed from customer service to user service
Finance Horizon
47China Construction Bank explores a new model of sustainable development of poverty alleviation
Personal Financial
50 The digital transformation of banking staff
Payment Research
56 Discussion on payment market monopoly and cross-market competition
61 Suggestions on improving the supervision of non-bank payment institutions by grassroots People’s Bank of China
Network Finance
64 Thoughts on the development opportunities of Internet finance in the post-epidemic era
Finance Forum
69 How to innovate the bank’s new retail business under the background of stall market economy
72 Research on the development of accounts receivable financing business of small and micro enterprises
Special Column
76 A rational view of the challenges of China’s payment market
79 Payment industry should adhere to the principle of “no shortage of innovation, no offside of compliance”
82 The Convergence of FIs and FinTechs under COVID-19
Culture Essay
85 Trace the birth of the first magnetic stripe credit card
88 New books recommendation
Economic News
90 Five ministries and commissions such as the People’s Bank of China further reduce the cost of comprehensive
financing for small and micro enterprises,etc.
Industry News
92 ICBC establishes New Star College of ICBC University,etc.