9 共话信用卡行业发展之路 彭惠新
28 2020 年上市银行半年报之信用卡专题解读 曹光宇
44 我国信用卡产业发展现状分析和建议 袁 钢
50 银行卡产业迈向数字化新阶段 康 超
53 蚂蚁亦可撼树
——蚂蚁集团招股书解读 周起文
59 以金融科技变革改善经济金融效率 杨 涛
62 金融科技企业需加大国内市场服务力度 马近朱
64 数字化转型背景下信用卡用户画像体系研究 魏雪娴
71 RAROC 和EVA 分析框架下的信用卡初始授信研究 蔡步琳 陈渭楠
76 银行业发挥自身优势助力脱贫攻坚 崔嘉桐
79 浅析银联卡差错争议业务边界 吴 茜
82 支付结算领域职业索赔中支付服务提供主体的责任划分与管理建议 凌宏业
85 智慧校园背景下“刷脸付”的高校应用思路 谭 旺
88 采桑子 宋翰乙
90 人民银行等八部委联合发文 推动供应链金融规范发展和创新 等
94 中国银行业协会发布《中国银行卡产业发展蓝皮书(2020)》
95 2019 年度银行科技发展奖颁奖仪式在京举行 等
Special Report
9 Talking about the development of credit card industry
28 Credit card special interpretation of the half-annual report of the listed banks in 2020
44 Analysis and suggestions on the development of credit card industry in China
Hot Point
50 The bank card industry towards a new digital stage
53 Interpretation of the prospectus of Ant Group
Special column
59 Improving economic and financial efficiency through financial technology reform
62 FinTechs aim for the domestic market
Credit Card Operation
64 Research on portrait system of credit card users in the context of digital transformation
71 Research on credit card initial credit under the analytical framework of RAROC and EVA
Finance Horizon
76 The banking leverages its advantages to help fight poverty
Personal Finance
79 Analysis on the business boundary of UnionPay card error dispute
Payment Research
82 Division of responsibilities and management suggestions for payment service providers in professional claims in
the field of payment and settlement
85 The application idea of “pay with face” in universities under the background of smart campus
Leisure Time
88 Song of Picking Mulberries
Economic News
90 Eight departments,including PBC,issued the document to promote regulatory development and innovation in supply chain finance ,etc.
Industry News
92 The 9th China Payment and Clearing Forum was held in Beijing
94 The China Banking Association released Blue Book on the Development of China’s Bank Card Industry (2020)
95 The awarding ceremony of Bank Technology Development Award in 2019 was held in Beijing,etc.