10 关于切实规范全国收单市场秩序的相关建议 赵宇梓
15 光大银行:线上线下深度融合 有效防范收单风险
——访中国光大银行股份有限公司电子银行部高级副经理王宇 代萍
19 民生银行:业务发展 合规先行
彭惠新 22 银联商务:抓住机遇,自我变革,实现更大的社会价值 ——银联商务有限公司总裁李晓峰访谈 彭惠新
27 “套码”等收单市场乱象为何屡禁不止 董 峥
29 对拒付争议服务的再思考 司马甫
33 信用卡精细化管理路径探讨 葛 绯 俞富强
37 浅析漏斗模型在信用卡客户投诉化解中的应用 程裕杰
金融IC 卡
40 金融IC 卡公交行业应用纪实 唐先勇
42 许昌市加载金融功能社保卡的应用现状、存在问题及建议
刘珂君 张晓锋
45 中国支付业的战国时代(国际篇) 马近朱
51 发挥银行在创新支付体系中的作用
卜 文
53 支付宝“花呗”产品套现漏洞分析及监管建议 郑 爽
56 互联网金融的理论与实践探究 张 松
60 关于商业银行发展PPP 模式信用业务的思考 邱祖良
64 我国个人外汇管理中存在的主要问题及对策探讨 柳红霞
68 浅谈近年来银行卡市场的变化 任思溟
71 基于指示交易特性界定线上支付的客户信息保护责任 郎培杰
74 对信用卡领用合约中管辖约定的法律分析 吴春林
76 油画小镇科尔马 一 凡
84 2015 年国庆档四大必看影片 许 是
89 保龄球主题银行卡见证保龄球运动在中国的兴衰 张震天
92 工商银行推出“互联网+ 校园”服务 等
---------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS
Special Report
10 Suggestions on regulating the market order of the bank card acquiring business
15 CEB: Developing online and offline business and strictly controlling the risk of acquiring business
19 CMBC: business development should go ahead of compliance compliance with the law
22 CHINAUMS: Seize the opportunity, realize greater social value on the self-transformation
27 Why the acquiring market chaos such as “replace code” can’t be stopped?
Business Management
29 Rethinking of refusal dispute services
33 Discussion on the credit cards Delicacy Management path
37 Analysis of the Funnel Model in the application of resolving credit card customer complaints
Financial IC card
40 Application of financial IC card in public transportation industry
42 The application status , existing problems and suggestions of social security card loaded with financial functions
in Xuchang
Payment Innovation
45 The Warring States period of Chinese payment industry (International part)
51 Bank should play a role in the innovative payment system
53 Analysis and supervision suggestion of Alipay “Check Later” cash products loopholes
Finance Forum
56 Explore on the theory and practice of Internet Finance
60 Thinking about commercial banks to develop PPP mode of credit business
64 Study and countermeasures on the main problems in personal foreign exchange management in China
68 Brief discussion on the changes of the bank card market in recent years
Legal Affairs
71 Defining responsibility of customer information protection in online payment based on instruction transaction property
74 Legal analysis of the jurisdiction of the credit card contract
Leisure Time
76 Colmar the oil painting town
Culture Essay
84 Four movies must be seen in 2015 National Day
89 Bowling theme bank card to witness the rise and fall of bowling in China
Industry News
92 ICBC launched the Internet+ campus service, etc