10 完善灾备体系建设,加强业务连续性管理/李庆莉
13 银行业灾备体系建设面临的挑战及对策
16 持续完善灾备体系建设,为业务拓展和服务创新保驾护航/陈望斌
20 科学规划 夯实基础 持续推进农业银行灾备体系建设
23 从实际出发 建设具有特色的灾备体系
26 区域性商业银行信息系统建设模式探索与实践/郭占云
31 商业银行二级分行IT风险评估探讨/石磊 等
36 新型网络攻击方式的威胁与防护研究/张松
40 ATM物理安全的治理措施/刘家猛 等
44 ATM设备运行安全风险防范/沈浩峰 范春
47 中国ATM关键运营模式对标研究/蔡宁伟
51 金融业数据中心机房环境动力设施管理与维护/李崇辉 等
56 贷款受托支付业务运营风险及防范/熊建钢 汪志勇
60 地方性商业银行IT应急管理改进思路/郭崇
63 商业银行信用卡综合审批系统的设计与实现/高莉
67 利用灾备资源实现增值服务/谢建灵
70 基于金融行业广域网部署的QoS技术应用探究/程剑斋
73 国库横向联网中的标准化问题/赵剑秋
76 基层人民银行科技管理标准化实践/李琼
78 对促进中小城市手机银行业务发展的思考/梁建华 王大贤
81 保险信息化迈入平板电脑时代
82 英特尔推出金融信息化融合方案 助中小企业解决运营难题
83 大数据:金融企业的盾与剑
84 迪堡以“雷达”探测金融外包服务风险
86 内外兼修 商用宠儿
87 ARMA时间序列模型在自助设备现金需求预测中的应用/洪玮
88 WAF:保护运营商Web系统安全/张元立
89 LED打印:金融行业不可或缺的绿色科技
90 智能服务推动金融网点转型/邓霄博
91 以影像平台为依托,构筑商业银行核心竞争力
93 提升网络基础设施 建设持久一流银行
94 银监会设立信息科技监管部 等
Table of Contents
Special Topic
10 Perfecting disaster backup system construction, strengthening business continuity management
13 Challenges and countermeasures for disaster backup system construction of banking industry
16 Continuous improvement of disaster backup system construction, protection of business development and service innovation
20 Scientific planning,lay a solid foundation and continue to promote disaster backup system construction of ABC
23 Proceed from reality to building a unique disaster backup system
View Point
26 Exploration and practice of information system construction mode of regional commercial banks
Information Security
31 Discussion on IT risk assessment of secondary branches of commercial bank
36 Research on new network attack threats and protection
Business Innovation
40 The measures of ATM physical security control
44 ATM equipment operation safety risk prevention
47 Contrast in ATM key operation modes in China
IT Running and Maintenance
51 Management and maintenance of financial industry data center computer room environment power installations
56 Risk and prevention of the loans to the entrusted payment business operations
60 Improvement ideas of local commercial banks IT emergency management
Development and Testing
63 Design and implementation of commercial bank credit card comprehensive approval system
67 Achieving value-added services with disaster backup resources
70 The application and research of QoS technology based on financial industry WAN
Development Forum
73 The treasury lateral standardization issues in networking
76 The practice of technology management standardization in grass-roots branch of PBOC
78 Thinking to promoting the development of mobile banking in small and medium-sized cities
IT Observation
81 The insurance information is entering the era of Tablet PC
82 Intel launched the financial informationization integration solutions to help SMEs solve operational problems
83 Big data: the shield and sword of financial enterprises
84 Diebold detects financial outsourcing service risk with “radar”
86 Lenovo released zhaoyang business notebooks full range of products
87 The application of ARMA time series model to forecast the demand for self-service equipment cash
88 WAF: protects telecom operators' Web system security
89 LED printing: indispensable green technology to financial industry
90 Intelligent services promote the financial branch transformation
Industry Information
91 2012 commercial banks image platform technology seminar be held in Yinchuan
93 The summing-up meeting of the pilot project of ICBC network upgrade and technical training courses be held in Jinan
94 The CBRC set up the Supervision Department of Information Technology,etc.