特别关注 专题 10 区域性银行信用卡业务发展提速/杜 娟 12 携手区域性银行,共同推进二级地市和农村地区银行卡支付环境建设/胡 莹 16 要么不做,要么大做 ——城商行信用卡业务发展策略浅析/郭 锐 20 北京银行信用卡业务:特色突围 稳步前行/彭惠新 24 杭州银行:走“精品银行卡”发展路线 ——访杭州银行股份有限公司零售业务总部总经理赵卫星/彭惠新 27 服务小微 错位竞争 ——浙江泰隆商业银行信用卡业务发展之道/贺建中 31 享生活之美,品时尚人生 ——浅谈包商银行信用卡业务发展/廖石坚 祝小卉
热点 34 《2011年中国信用卡产业发展蓝皮书》发布/彭惠新
金融IC 卡 38 金融IC卡在贵州的崛起/刘 健 邹 琳
业务管理 42 2011 年部分股份制商业银行信用卡经营情况简析/黄晓如 48 欠发达地区银行卡收单市场存在的问题及建议/李 鹰 方 略 52 应对国际信用卡巨头进入中国市场的策略建议/吴秀山 吴 倩 56 信用卡变身小微企业融资利器/林健祥
个人金融 58 关于我国商业银行零售网点和自助设备选址管理的几点思考/李瑞红
金融论坛 61 对跨境人民币融资的探讨/赵喜生
理财广场 66 中等收入群体的风险管理/韩 正 70 超短期理财的新选择:开放式和滚动型理财产品/吴泞江
收藏天地 72 胜日芳华——闲谈明清老家具与文人雅玩 乔 皓
乐享时光 旅游 78 走进成田 那一座秀美如诗的古老小城/沈黎明
文化漫谈 影评 82 《复仇者联盟》:史上第一超级英雄乱炖/慕容天涯
摄影 86 美女:第一传播符号/孙祺然
人文 88 楚河汉街的迷人“楚”味/陈华文
行业资讯 92 工商银行牡丹卡中心举行十周年庆典 等
Table of Contents.June 2012 • Vol.193
Special Report Topic 10 Speed up the development of regional banks’ credit card business 12 Promote environment building of bank card payment in secondary cities and countryside together with regional banks 16 Either not to do or to vigorously develop 20 Credit card business of Bank of Beijing: breaking through by characteristics and developing steadily 24 Bank of Hangzhou: take the way of high quality bank card 27 Services to small and micro businesses by differentiated competition 31 Enjoy the beauty of life and fashion life
Hot Point 34 “China Credit Card Industry Blue Book 2011” released
Financial IC Card 38 The rise of financial IC card in Guizhou
Business Management 42 Brief analysis of credit card operation of joint-stock commercial banks in 2011 48 Problems and suggestions of bank card acquiring market in developing regions 52 Strategy suggestions for dealing with international Credit Card magnates 56 Credit card has been a powerful weapon of the small and micro enterprises’ financing
Personal Finance 58 Some thinking about location management of China’s commercial banks retail outlets and self-service equipment
Finance Forum 61 Discussion about the cross-border RMB financing
Fortune Plaza 66 The risk management of middle-income group 70 New choice of super short-tern financial management
Collection World 72 Heyday in a Period of Great Prosperity
Leisure Time Tourism 78 Narita, a beautiful old town
Culture Essay Movies 82 Avengers: the super hero team of a lifetime
Photography 86 Beauty is the first symbol of communication
Humanities 88 Charming Chu culture
Industry News 92 ICBC Card Center held the 10th Anniversary celebration,ect.