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当前位置:首页 > 中国信用卡 > 2013年1月


  2 2013,精彩相约/程 卫


  3 量质并举谋转型 金融创新促发展/栾建胜



  15 深入贯彻落实十八大精神 加快推动银行卡产业发展/励 跃

  20 协调发展信用卡的业务创新与风险防范/尹 龙

  23 创新发展的中国银行卡产业/许罗德

  27 品牌引领 勇于创新 在同质化环境下探寻信用卡经营出路/张立林

  30 加快创新发展 打造差异化的核心竞争力/段超良

  34 打造丰富营销平台 深化优质服务品牌/徐 瀚

  37 贷动未来/陈 劲

  39 2012 年:在艰难中前行,迎来发展新机遇/戴 兵

  42 挑战中求发展,细节中求效益

  ——2013 年信用卡业务发展展望/杨 进

  44 精耕细作 实现战略转型/林德明

  46 稳中求进 探索精细化管理之路/严学旺

  50 立足客户 聚焦消费金融 大力创新推动转型发展/冯 菁

  54 美国运通:高端市场的领跑者/姜大伟

  57 JCB :多措并举 提升品牌竞争力/杉山宏彦


  60 2012 中国国际金融展成功举办/崔艳红


  62 商业银行资本管理办法实施对信用卡业务的影响及实践/费 寒

  68 基于零售协同的信用卡产品创新/黎子文


  70 运用达标工程新模式 检验个人授信业务贷后管理的实效性/胡 甦 苏 钰


  73 安徽省铜陵市“农汇通”工作的成效分析/方 略


  78 第三方支付平台法制管理问题探究/王新成等



  82 8 部最有看头的贺岁片/林 檎



  87 地球上最后一个迎来日出的美丽岛国/沈冰冰


  90 银行卡行业步入新时代 创新应用已成发展必然

  ——2012 年借记卡产品化及IC 卡多行业应用推广培训会举行

  92 工商银行北京分行联合美国运通推出易世通电子旅行支票 等
Table of Contents.January 2013 • Vol.200

New year speech

  2 Make a wonderful appointment in 2013


  3 Strive for transformation depending on high quantity and quality, promote development by financial innovation

Special Report


  15 Thoroughly implement the spirit of the 18 th CPC National Congress,accelerate the development of the bank card industry

  20 Coordinated developing innovation and risk prevention of the credit card business

  23 Innovative developing China’s bank card industry

  27 Explore the credit card operations way out in the homogenization environment by brand leading and innovation

  30 Accelerate the innovation and development, make differentiated key competitiveness

  34 Create a rich marketing platform to deepen quality service brand

  37 Make the future through loans and mobile internet

  39 2012: Go ahead in the difficult, meet the new opportunities of development

  42 Developing in the challenges, benefiting from details

  44 Realize the strategic transformation by intensive operation

  46 Make progress steadily, explore the road of fine management

  50 Focus on consuming finance based on customers, vigorously innovating and promoting the restructuring development

  54 American Express: the high-end market leader

  57 JCB: Take measures to improve brand competitiveness

Hot point

  60 2012 China International Financial Exhibition has been held successfully

Business Management

  62 Implementation and practice of the Regulation Goberning Capital of Commercial Banks for credit card business

  68 Credit card product innovation based on retail business synergy

  Personal Finance

  70 Using a new model Standard Work to test the effectiveness of personal credit business post-loan management

Payment Innovation

  73 Result analysis of Nonghuitong in Tongling Anhui province

Legal Affairs

  78 Explore the legal management of third-party payment platform

Culture Essay


  82 The eight worthy New Year films

Leisure Time


  87 The beautiful island country which is the last country to see the sunrise

Industry News

  90 2012 the debit card products and IC card application in multiple industries training has been held

  92 ICBC Beijing Branch and American Express launched “AE Global Travel” e-traveler Cheque jointly, etc.

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