11 加强业务监督管理 推动银行理财业务回归本质
——访中国银行业监督管理委员会业务创新监管协作部主任王岩岫/代 萍
15 工商银行私人银行 :实现全球财富配置 核心竞争力引领同业
——访中国工商银行股份有限公司私人银行部总经理马健/代 萍
18 完善产品和服务体系 加大客户维护力度
——访中国农业银行股份有限公司私人银行部总经理印金强 彭惠新
23 建设银行私人银行 :发挥优势,载誉前行/杜 娟
26 解密招商银行私人银行成长之路/代 萍
29 让商业银行成为直接融资与资本市场的重要参与者/张旭阳
34 中国工商银行北京市分行白金信用卡市场拓展研究/韩亦然
39 由信用卡预授权超额套现事件引发的合规问题思考/李雅薇
金融 IC 卡
42 金融 IC 卡在福建省交通领域应用的成效与建议/林 羽
44 金融 IC 卡在公共服务领域的推广应用分析/张晓锋
50 忻州市金融 IC 卡电子现金跨行圈存情况调查/申文杰 等
52 电子支付的一般业务模型与创新路径分析/张 奎
58 电子现金应用中存在的问题及建议/吴建新 宋立志
60 我国上市银行经营战略探析/魏 鹏
65 欧洲银行业管理局对虚拟货币使用者的警示/李景琦(编译)
67 国际卡组织定价经验对我国银行卡产业发展的启示/陈宏民 等
70 私人银行的全权委托资产管理业务/贾旭晖
72 关注封闭式债券型基金的投资机会/好买基金研究中心
74 从收益实现情况看银行理财产品的风险/方 瑞
76 探秘澳大利亚/刘彦妤
82 舌尖上的盛夏/张枫晚
86 幽篁里的光辉岁月
92 不知名的 Koh Rong Samloem/申小石
94 工商银行蝉联《财富》世界 500 强银行业首位 等
---------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS
Special Report
11 Enhancing supervision of bank financing business, Pushing the bank financing business back to basics
15 ICBC Private Bank : Making global wealth configuration, leading peers by the core-competitiveness
18 Improving products and service system, stepping up efforts to customer maintenance
23 CCB Private Bank: Carry the strength and forward with glory
26 Declassify the growth path of CMBC private bank
Hot Point
29 Make commercial banks to be important participants of direct financing and capital market
Business Management
34 Expanding research on Platinum credit card market of ICBC Beijing branch
39 Thinking of compliance issues triggered by the credit card pre authorization excess cashing
Financial IC card
42 Results and suggestions of the application of financial IC card in the field of traffic of Fujian province
44 Analysis on the promotion and application of financial IC card in the field of public service
50 Survey of financial IC card electronic cash inter-bank transfer in Xinzhou
Payment Innovation
52 Analysis of the usual business model and innovation path of Electronic Payment
58 Problems and suggestions on the application of electronic cash system
Finance Forum
60 Analysis on the business strategies of China’s listed banks
65 Warning of EBA to consumers on virtual currencies
67 Inspiration of the international card organizations’ pricing experience for Chinese bank card industry development
Fortune Plaza
70 Assets trust management of private banking business
72 Pay attention to the investment opportunities of closed-end bond funds
74 Observe the risk of bank financial products from the real benefits
Leisure Time
76 Exploring Australia
82 A Bite of summer
Culture Essay
86 Glorious days in the deep and quiet bamboo grove
92 Unknown Koh Rong Samloem
Industry News
94 ICBC defends top of Banking Industry on Fortune Global 500 List,etc.