9 工商银行个人理财业务发展浅析及未来展望/ 宋建华
14 建设银行:做优质银行理财产品的集大成者/ 赵 申
17 新形势下的商业银行个人理财业务发展之路/ 常 戈
19 修于内而强于外
——访徽商银行零售银行部总经理叶翔/ 赵 申
22 大资管背景下,智能投顾的发展与华瑞的选择/ 孙中东
26 银行理财将回归受托资产管理本源/ 付巍伟
30 网联搭建第三方支付规范化发展平台/ 赵 申
33 支付创新带给信用卡业务转型的思考/ 黄 怡
35 银行信用卡业务流程优化探析/ 裴驭力 姜 波
37 银行员工信用卡透支风险分析及管理对策/ 涂福寿 等
38 移动互联时代的个性化服务对银行商业数据应用的启示/ 张必将
46 村镇银行发行银行卡的难点及相关建议/ 徐 涤
49 中蒙口岸地区银行卡业务现状分析及发展建议/ 姜其林
53 聚合支付的监管逻辑与发展趋势/ 方雨嘉 张 松
56 对互联网金融背景下“网上支付+ 精准扶贫”模式的思考/ 祝溢衡 彭 皓
59 桑坦德银行小微金融业务发展经验及启示/ 赵艳丰
63 微信黄金红包风险分析及政策建议/ 郑 爽 董 锦
66 智慧机带来的洗钱风险及防范建议/ 唐 剑
68 第三方信用卡管理平台风险分析及建议/ 李志清 宋立志
70 互联网银行理财业务崭露头角/ 谢香玲
73 中国阳光私募基金投资策略解析/ 格上研究中心
80 和马拉松来一场美丽邂逅/ 谢香玲
85 八个因素决定银行卡收藏价值/ 张震天
90 G20 财长和央行行长会议举行 等
92 工商银行首发工银万事达奋斗信用卡 等
Special Report
9 Review and prospect of ICBC personal finance business
14 CCB:the great synthesizer of high quality bank financial products
17 The development of personal financing business of commercial banks under the new situation
19 Interview with YeXiang,General manager of HUISHANG BANK retail banking on bank financing business
22 Under the background of asset management, the development of intelligent investment adviser and Shanghai
HuaRuiBank’s choice
26 Bank financing will return to the nature of the entrusted asset management
Hot point
30 WANGLIAN builds a platform for third party payment standardization developing
Business Management
33 The innovation of credit card business transformation
35 The optimization of bank credit card business process
37 Risk analysis and management of bank employees’ credit card overdraft
Personal Financial
38 The inspiration of personalized service in mobile internet times to commercial banking business data applications
46 Difficulties and suggestions of village bank issuing bank cards
49 Present situation analysis and development suggestions of bank card business in China-Mongolia port area
Payment Innovation
53 The regulatory logic and development trend of aggregate payment
56 The reflections on the mode of “online payment + targeted poverty alleviation” under the background of Internet Finance
Finance Forum
59 Experiences and enlightenment of the small and micro finance business development of Santander Bank
63 WeChat gold red envelope risk analysis and policy recommendations
66 Prevention suggestion on money laundering risks of smart machines
68 Risk analysis and suggestion on the third party credit card management platform
Fortune Plaza
70 The financing business of Internet banks is emerging
73 The analysis of investment strategy of China’s sun private fund
Leisure Time
80 A beautiful encounter with the marathon
Culture Essay
85 Eight factors determine the value of bank card collection
Economic News
90 G20 finance ministers and central bank governors meeting is held,etc.
Industry News
92 ICBC issued ICBC-MasterCard Struggle credit card,etc.