6 推动信用卡产业进入高质量发展新时代 /王都富
15 筑梦新时代,齐心开创银行卡产业美好未来 /潘光伟
20 中国银行卡产业2019 年回顾及2020 年展望 /时文朝
25 新理念引领信用卡行业新发展 /薛亚芹
29 积极推动信用卡业务数字化转型与创新 /黄金岳
38 发挥信用卡主力军作用,助力消费金融高质量发展 /王卫东
45 新核心 新征程——转型突破谋求高质量发展 /张 明
48“懂你”服务助力美好生活 /刘瑜晓
52 新起点、新征程,民生信用卡奏响差异化经营“三步曲” /陈大鹏
57 兴业银行信用卡:耕耘十五载 砥砺新征程 /汪 宇
61 在存量竞争中突围:广发信用卡2019 创新之路 /林德明
65 2020 与新十年展望——在加速变化的世界中引领下一代支付安全的变革 /于雪莉
69 技术、安全、信任:联结,共创价值 /常 青
75 不忘初心,不负所托 刘/伟德
77 全球化 科技化 个性化——JCB 服务连接未来 /大冈俊文
81“区块”引领新发展,“链”上信用卡新未来 /季 成 叶 军
86 人民银行传达学习中央经济工作会议精神 等
88“第八届中国支付清算论坛”在京召开 谢香玲
92 工商银行与阿里巴巴、蚂蚁金服签署全面深化战略合作 等
6 Build credit card market with high quality in new era
Special Report
15 Better Dreams in new era and better future for bankcard industry
20 Review and prospect of China’s bankcard industry in 2019 &2020
25 New Ideas for new trend of the credit card industry
29 Promote the digitalization and innovation for credit card business
38 Promote quality growth for consumer finance by card issuers, an essential player
45 A new core and new journey: breakthrough in transformation and practice of high quality development
48 For-Customer-Service for better life
52 A new start and new journey: the Three-Step Strategy for Mingsheng Credit Card and its differential operation
57 A journey of fifteen years and beyond: experience for credit card service of Industrial Bank
61 Fighting its way out from existing competition: innovation stories about China Guangfa Bank in 2019
65 About 2020 and the Decade to come: how to lead the security revolution for the next generation payment in an ever-fast-changing world
69 Technology, Security and Trust: Connect for shared value
75 Staying true to our original aspiration , living up to the trust
77 Connecting the future with global visions, technology and personalized service from JCB
Credit Card Operation
81 “Block” leading new development, new future of credit card on “chain”
Economic News
86 The PBOC conveyed the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference,etc.
Industry News
88 The 8th China Payment and Clearing Forum was held in Beijing
92 ICBC, Alibaba and Ant Financial Services signed a comprehensive and deepened strategic cooperation,etc.