11 中国银联 :建立开放、合作、共赢的移动支付服务体系
——访中国银联助理总裁胡莹/杜 娟
17 服务无限,安全为本,大力拓展移动支付业务
——访中国光大银行股份有限公司信息科技部总经理杨兵兵/杜 娟
21 商业银行逐鹿移动支付市场/杜 娟
26 移动互联网大背景下的移动支付展望/唐 彬
29 支付宝的移动支付战略
31 煮酒论英雄
——NFC 支付的三个发展阶段/陈建伟
35 万事达卡 :以开放的姿态助推移动支付产业发展
38 全球移动支付产业发展报告/高鹏飞
44 对中国互联网金融问题的反思与建议/杨 科
50 浅析信用卡大额分期业务潜在风险/高 建
53 基于评分模型的信用卡交易欺诈风险防范研究/岳曼娣 陈芝凯
57 保护持卡人数据安全方法研究
——中国银行 PCI DSS 安全体系的实施 危由军/李 东
64 西北欠发达地区在公共服务领域推广金融 IC 卡的难点及建议/张进银
66 福建省支付服务满意度调查情况及建议 王潮端
69 电话 POS 业务风险分析与研究 董 超
73 六度领跑从头越 联迪商用谋局新财年
74 关于我国金融 IC 卡行业应用的思索与探讨/段晓燕
76 第三方支付的法律问题研究/张志国
80 银行治理信用卡套现应重视程序/吴春林
83 工商银行医院联名灵通卡发卡历史/张震天
92 江南古镇之春/张保军
94 工商银行北京地区全部网点布放盲文版服务指南 等
---------------------------------------------------------- Contents.
Special Report
Hot point
11 UnionPay:establish an open, cooperative, win-win mobile payment service system
17 Provide the unlimited service based on safety, develop the business of mobile payment vigorously
21 Banks are struggling in the rough-and-tumble market of mobile payment
26 The outlook of mobile payments in the context of mobile internet
29 Alipay’s mobile strategy
31 The three stages of NFC Mobile Payment development
35 MasterCard: drive the mobile payment industry with an open attitude
38 Global mobile payment industry development report
Hot point
44 The introspections and suggestions on China’s internet financce problems
Business Management
50 Analysis on potential risks of credit card large installment business
53 Study on credit card transactions fraud risk based on scoring model
Personal Finance
57 Research on the method of protecting cardholder’s data security
64 Difficulties and suggestions of promoting financial IC card in the public service field in underdeveloped areas
Payment Innovation
66 The investigation and suggestions on the payment service satisfaction in Fujian Province
69 Analysis and research on business risk of the phone POS
Enterprise Exhibiton
73 Leading in the market for six years LANDI gets the layout of the next fiscal year
74 Thinking and discussion of the China’s financial IC card application in the industries
Legal Affairs
76 Research on the legal problems of the Third Party Payment
80 Banks should pay attention to the program of credit card cashing management
Culture Essay
83 Issuing history of ICBC Hospital joint Moneylink card
88 Coming Home : a transforming movie of realistic explorations
92 Spring of the ancient town in the Jiangnan
Industry News
94 ICBC provides Braille service guide in all Beijing outlets,etc.