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《中国信用卡》2018年第 1 期目录

  6 纵深推进中国信用卡产业互联网化转型发展




  13 促发展 惠民生 推动零售支付服务市场健康持续发展 /谢 众

  18 不忘初心 牢记使命 推进银行卡产业健康稳定发展 /潘光伟

  23 静水流深 行稳致远 推动我国支付行业包容、开放发展 /蔡洪波

  28 中国银行卡产业2017年回顾及2018年展望 /时文朝

  33 信用卡与金融科技联合创新的实践和展望 /王卫东

  37 把握大势 精益求精 共启金融盛宴 /刘瑜晓

  40 发力大数据 勇做科技金融时代的弄潮儿 /陈大鹏

  43 科技赋能 打造独特竞争优势 /林德明

  47 兴业银行信用卡:创造新业绩 作答新常态 /汪 宇

  51 乘科技之风 平安银行信用卡业务实现跨越新发展 /曾宽扬

  55 励志前行 不忘初心 邮储银行信用卡业务加快发展 /刘志军

  59 借力数据应用 推动信用卡业务发展 /徐 春

  62 以开放和协同创新助力全球化数字平台的建设 /于雪莉

  66 立足创新 着眼普惠 以支付科技引领新金融建设 /常 青

  70 在华百年春华秋实 同心携手共长青 /李健伟

  74 创新 服务 共赢 JCB聚焦市场变革 /大冈俊文


  79 创新与合作的力量 /周 明


  82 人民银行发布条码支付新规 /谢香玲


  84 信用卡系统性风险监控机制初探 /应洪基 汤 啸


  88 在汽车后市场十年征途中砥砺前行



  90 金融科技塑造金融未来


  92 人民银行、银监会传达学习中央经济工作会议精神等


  94 工商银行推出工银金鹰信用卡 等



  6 Promoting the internet transformation and development of China’s credit card industry

Special Report


  13 Promoting development and benefiting the people to promote the healthy and sustained development of the retail payment service market

  18 Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind to promote the healthy and stable development of the bank card industry

  23 Maintain sustainable economic growth to promote the inclusive and open development of China’s payment industry

  28 Annual review and prospect of China’s bankcard industry

  33 The practice and prospect of joint innovation of credit card and FinTech

  37 Grasping the trend and perfecting constantly to open the financial feast jointly

  40 Reaping rewards of big data and setting the trend for the era of FinTech

  43 Create a unique competitive advantage with the ability of science and technology

  47 Industrial Bank Credit Card: making new achievement to adjust to New Normal

  51 Ping An Bank’s credit card business has achieved a new development with technology

  55 Remain true to our original aspiration, the credit card business of Postal Savings Bank of China accelerates development

  59 Promoting the development of credit card business with the data application

  62 Building a global digital platform with open and collaborative innovation

  66 Focusing on innovation and financial inclusion, Mastercard enables New Finance through its payment technology

  70 A century of success in China, together building to last

  74 JCB focuses on the market change with the “innovation, service and win-win”


  79 The strength of innovation and cooperation

Hot Point

  82 The PBC issues a new rule of QR code payment business

Credit Card Operation

  84 Study on the systematic risk monitoring mechanism of credit card

Industry Application

  88 Move forward in the car aftermarket of decade

Culture Essay

Book Recommendation

  90 FinTech reinvents the financial future

Economic News

  92 The PBC and the CBRC convey the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, etc.

Industry News

  94 ICBC launched Golden Eagle credit card, etc.

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《中国信用卡》2018年第 1 期目录
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