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  11 加强监管和指引,推动银行业信息科技风险管理水平全面提升


  14 安全优先 加强信息科技风险识别和评估


  17 坚持“科技兴行”发展战略 加强信息科技风险管理/姚红玲

  21 农行全面风险管理信息系统建设面临的机遇和挑战/孟毅颖

  25 以全面风险管理策略应对商业银行IT风险管理面临的新挑战/王燕

  29 加强信息系统安全保障,有效防范信息科技风险/王兵


  36 中国银行全面信用风险模型管理系统建设/阮杰锋


  40 ATM业务调查及发展策略探析/刘俊峰


  47 新时期金融信息安全体系构建策略浅析/李国海

  52 中小商业银行信息科技风险管理探讨/李令东


  56 UPS电源免维护蓄电池的维护与保养/石伟

  58 图形化前端系统动态运维机制探析/潘竹


  60 机房网络设计新思路/熊清飞 李慧灵

  62 城市金融网升级改造方案/皇甫文 等


  67 基层央行多层次信息安全培训模式探析/林炜 黄斌

  70 提升业务运营核查水平的方法/熊建钢 汪志勇


  74 银行电子化与现钞货币流/黄武扬

  78 金融资本对接文化产业障碍及其破解对策研究/邱峰


  82 进军行业市场一大步 联想发布全新ThinkServer服务器/郝京

  83 惠普携手亚马逊中国 线上首发M400系列激光打印机 等

  84 冲破大数据藩篱 重塑统一存储


  86 网上银行系统中的账户密码安全/王志发

  87 从城市到农村,3G在金融业的爆发式增长/金文广

  88 天清IPS为金融应用构筑网络坚盾/王海楠

  89 如何保护好企业敏感信息/张东英

  90 移动POS+平板电脑 信雅达i60 打造移动服务业标杆


  91 2012年NCR自助设备工商银行二级分行培训会圆满落幕/高曙东

  93 银监会发布《商业银行资本管理办法(试行)》 等



  Special Topic

  11 Strengthen supervision and guidance, comprehensive promotion information technology risk management level of the banking

  14 Security priority to strengthen information technology risk identification and assessment

  17 Adhere to the development strategy of rejuvenating the bank through information technology and strengthen the IT risk management

  21 Opportunities and challenges of a comprehensive risk management information system of ABC

  25 The comprehensive risk management strategy in response to new challenge of IT risk management of commercial banks

  29 Strengthen information system security, effectively guard against the risk of information technology

  View Point

  36 Construction of comprehensive credit risk models management system of Bank of China

  Business Innovation

  40 Analysis of ATM business survey and development strategies

  Information Security

  47 Analysis of financial information security system construction in the new period

  52 Discuss on small and medium-sized commercial bank information technology risk management

  IT Running and Maintenance

  56 Care and maintenance of the UPS power supply maintenance-free batteries

  58 Exploration and analysis of graphical front-end system dynamic operation and maintenance mechanism

  Development and Testing

  60 New idea of computer room network design

  62 City financial network upgrading program

  Technology Management

  67 Exploration and analysis of multi-level information security training model of primary central bank

  70 The methods of enhance the level of business operations verification

  Development Forum

  74 Bank computerization and cash currency flow

  78 Research on barriers to financial supporting for cultural industries and its countermeasure

  IT Observation

  82 To promote the industry market a big step, Lenovo released new ThinkServer server

  83 Joining hand in hand with China Amazon, HP first issued M400 series laser printer online

  84 Break through the barriers of large data and reshape the unified storage

  86 Account password’s security in the online banking system

  87 From urban to rural, 3G’s explosive growth in the financial industry

  88 IPS built a network shield for financial applications

  89 How to protect the sensitive information of enterprise

  90 SUNYARD i60 Build the mobile services sector benchmark

  Industry Information

  91 2012 seminar on NCR banking self-service equipment for ICBC Level second branch be held successfully

  93 The CBRC issued “ Commercial bank capital management measures (Trial )”,etc.

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