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  11 全力打造完善的灾难备份体系


  15 民生银行灾备体系建设日趋成熟


  20 完善灾备体系建设 提高运营管理水平


  26 灾备体系建设为龙江银行发展打造坚固的屏障


  30 专业化运作数据中心,为业务发展保驾护航/李庆莉


  34 面向业务监控的主机联机业务影响分析方法/黄文宇


  40 “智用数据仓库 演绎信息价值”主题征文活动评选结果

  41 现代商业银行如何通过数据仓库实现业务价值/赵世辉

  45 构建数据整合下的精细化管理应用/陈敏 等


  49 终端安全防护技术及体系架构部署模式/卢海勤

  54 基层央行信息安全易发问题探究/李国海


  58 商业银行的业务连续性管理探讨/刘威

  62 银行自助终端维护中的安全隐患及防范措施/刘家猛 等


  65 三网融合下构建金融服务平台的设计方案/孙飙

  70 农村信用社网银系统的设计/曾鸣


  73 资本充足监管对货币政策有效性的影响及对策研究/尹煜

  77 优化信用环境 服务“三农”经济/李海明

  81 提高业务运营风险核查工作有效性和科学性的思考/熊建钢 汪志勇


  84 移动互联技术为自助设备运行管理添翼/刘彦科

  85 迪堡ATM翻新解决方案提升银行品牌形象有新招

  87 守住金融行业信息系统安全底线(上)

  88 精诚所至,“金融”为开

  ——OKI LED打印机赢得银行业界认可

  89 无现金自动取款机将改变无分行银行面貌

  90 金融安防技术面临转型 网络高清监控已成必需 等


  91 加快金融IC卡应用推广工作 保持银行卡业务可持续发展


  93 《金融业发展和改革“十二五”规划》发布 等


  Contents.October 2012 • Vol.279

  Special Topic

  11 Efforts to build a perfect disaster backup system

  15 CMBC’s disaster backup system construction is growing mature

  20 Improving disaster backup system construction and improving operation management level

  26 Disaster backup system construction creates a sturdy barrier for Longjiang Bank business development

  30 Specialized operation of data center, protection of business development

  View Point

  34 Analysis method of impact about host online business of business oriented monitoring

  Theme Essay

  40 Selection rusults of theme essay

  41 How modern commercial banks achieve business value through data warehouse

  45 Establishing the application of fine management under data integration

  Information Security

  49 The terminal security protection technology and architecture deployment mode

  54 Exploration and discussion of common problems primary central bank information security

  IT Running and Maintenance

  58 Discussion on business continuity management of commercial banks

  62 Security risks and prevention measures within bank self-service terminals maintenance

  Business Innovation

  65 Design proposal of constructing a financial services platform based on triple play

  70 The design of the online banking system of rural credit cooperatives

  Development Forum

  73 Influence and countermeasure of capital adequacy regulation on the effectiveness of monetary policy

  77 Optimize the credit environment and service “San Nong”economic

  81 Effective and scientific thinking to improving operation risk examine

  IT Observation

  84 Mobile internet technology bring operation and management of the self-service equipment help

  85 Diebold ATM refurbishment solutions,new ways to enhance the bank Brand

  87 Guarnfeed to the bottom line of information systems security of the financial industry

  88 OKI LED printer to win bank industry recognition

  89 Cashless ATM will change the face of branchless banks

  90 Financial security guard technology facing transformation,network HD monitor has become necessary

  Industry Information

  91 2012 ICBC financial IC card application and promotion training meeting be held in Chengdu

  93 Financial sector development and reform of "the 12th Five-Year Plan" released,etc.

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