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当前位置:首页 > 中国金融电脑 > 2014年10月



  11 EAST系统的建设与发展/单继进

  14 大数据时代农业银行金融创新 /王赤红 等

  19 银行卡支付业务在新技术背景下的创新与变革/张敏

  22 平台金融:平台经济时代银行创新之路/卢小群

  26 长尾时代的金融风险管理 /张羽


  31 构建“两地三中心”科技新架构 工商银行业务连续性实现新飞越/中国工商银行股份有限公司信息科技部

  33 平安保险践行软件定义存储,提升IT交付能力/李庆莉


  35 高可回归自动化功能测试案例管理体系的研究与实践/郭丽 等

  40 商业银行应用平台能力评估方法论研究/刘奕明


  44 基于第三方电商平台的商业银行电商融资业务发展研究/岳成庆 等


  51 广发银行应用系统运行评估分析实践/谢欣 等

  57 实现银行信息系统高效运维的探讨/李永伍


  59 银行业IT运维项目的风险管理分析/张勤

  63 商业银行主动式网络安全防御研究/李国金 陈佳莺


  67 互联网金融格局下银行业IT发展探究/路峰

  69 金融机构编码的扩展应用建议/郭崇


  71 大数据环境下数据中心的数据生命周期管理研究/刘晓

  76 建设开放、真实的大数据平台 优化小微企业融资生态/宋立志


  79 华为诠释以云计算为中心的IT战略 助力商业银行发现大数据价值/李庆莉

  81 构建未来银行 开启银企合作新模式


  82 联想 “优势叠加”造就新云力量 等

  83 惠普隆重推出ProLiant Gen9服务器

  84 赛门铁克助力地方商业银行完善信息化建设

  85 日立助力中国银行业打造智慧网点/李庆莉

  86 推进大数据时代文档影像业务创新


  87 RTM——改变金融自助设备服务理念的新角色

  ——专访KAL首席执行官Aravinda Korala/郝京

  88 OKI存取款一体机助力中国银行业布局自助服务市场 等

  89 湖南丰汇银佳科技有限公司喜获“优秀金融服务解决方案奖”/程亮

  90 创自非接模块助力移动支付

  91 基于神经网络的ATM故障诊断专家系统/高泽旭

  92 迈普开启金融网点来宾WiFi营销服务新篇章/金文广


  93 第18届国际银行监督官大会(ICBS)在天津召开 等


Special Article

  11 Construction and development of EAST system

  14 ABC financial innovation at the age of big data

  19 Innovation and transformation of bank card payment business under the background of new technology

  22 Platform Finance: banks innovation road under platform economy era

  26 Finance risk management in the era of the long tail

Inquiry on Hot Point

  31 Constructing a new IT architecture of two sites and three centers ,ICBC realizing the new across of business continuity

  33 Ping An insurance practising software defined storage, improving IT delivery capability

Development and Testing

  35 Research and practice of high regression automation functional test case management system

  40 Study of commercial bank application platform capability assessment methodology

Business Innovation

  44 Study on the development of commercial banks e-commerce financing based on the third e-commerce platform

IT Running and Maintenance

  51 Practice of Guangfa Bank application system running assessment analysis

  57 Discussion on achieving efficient operation and maintenance of bank information system

Information Security

  59 Discussion on the risk management of banking IT operation in the project

  63 Research on commercial banks proactive network security defence

Technology Management

  67 Research on the development of banking IT under the internet financial structure

  69 Suggestion of the financial institution code expanded application

Development Forum

  71 Data lifecycle management of data center in the big data environment

  76 Constructing open and real large data platform and optimizing the financing environment of small and micro business

IT Observation

  79 Huawei interpret IT strategy of cloud computing-centered and help commercial banks to find big data value

  81 Building Future Bank and open a new model of bank-enterprise cooperation

  82 Lenovo "advantage overlay" to create a new cloud power

  83 HP releases grandly ProLiant Gen9 server

  84 Symantec help local commercial banks to improve information technology construction

  85 Hitachi help build China banking smart outlets

  86 Creator non-contact module power mobile payment

  87 RTM——the new role of changing the service conception of financial self-service device

  88 OKI CRS powers Chinese banking self-service market layout

  89 Hunan Fenghui Yinjia technology Co. ltd. awarded the "outstanding financial services solutions prize"

  90 Creator non-contact module power mobile payment

  91 ATM fault diagnosis expert system based on neural network

  92 Maipu opens a new chapter of financial outlets guest WiFi marketing services

Industry Information

  93 The 18th ICBS held in Tianjin, etc.

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