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  14砥砺廿载 再展风华






  32中国邮政储蓄银行绿色数据中心建设与展望/马德辉 等




  42全面应用人工智能技术,推进智慧银行建设/李瑾瑜 黄炳

  46大数据服务云2.0,实现新一代数据驱动、技术赋能/袁一 汪星辰

  49金融区块链的平台建设与应用实践/刘朝伟 陈法山

  52打造企业级数字劳动力 赋能全行数字化转型/罗樋 蔡为彬

  55拥抱物联网金融,助力工行智慧转型发展/高伟 杜媛媛





  ——工商银行深入服务上海数据要素市场建设/陈燕 梅毅



  ——“我的宁夏”政务移动端构建智慧政务“新生态”/郝宗民 张惠萍




  71基于嵌入式平台的新一代动环监控系统硬件架构分析及升级改造实践/吴晓冬 等









  ——访深信服科技股份有限公司应用交付市场总监逄增勇 /郑清源


  90探索网络攻防策略 构筑安全创新生态

  ——2020年金融网络安全攻防技术论坛顺利召开/焦卢玲 郑清源

  94《商业银行法》第三次修改公开征求意见 等

Special Topic

  10 Magnificent 20 years, forging ahead on a new journey

  14 The 20th anniversary of the construction of the data center of ICBC

  18 New infrastructure empowers the transformation and development of data centers of China’s commercial banks

  22 Opening-up and innovating, forging ahead,CCB’s data center advances with the times

  27 Exploring the road for the data center of BCM to advance across the ages

  32 Construction and prospects the green data center of PSBC

  36 Top ten trends in the future development of data centers under the background of financial digital transformation

Inquiry on Hot Point

  39 ICBC's financial cloud helps the transformation of smart bank

  42 Fully apply artificial intelligence technology to promote the construction of smart bank

  46 Big data service cloud 2.0, realizing a new generation of data-driven and technology enabled

  49 Platform construction and application practice of financial block-chain

  52 Building an enterprise-level digital labor force and enabling digital transformation of the banking

  55 Embracing IoT finance to help ICBC smart transformation and development

  58 Documentary of ICBC technology helping digital construction of Xiong'an

  61 ICBC provides in-depth services for the construction of Shanghai Data Element Marke

  63 "My Ningxia" government affairs mobile terminal constructs an intelligent government"new ecology"

Smart Banking Outlet

  66 Thinking about the application of industrial manipulator in banking outlets

IT Operation and Maintenance

  71 Hardware architecture analysis and upgrading practice of a new generation dynamic environment monitoring system based on embedded platform

Technology Management

  76 Research and practice of post-demand evaluation in the field of science and technology resource management

Industry Observation

  79 New generation of financial cloud ecological network solutions

  81 Financial enterprise container network monitoring combat

  83 Independent innovation and development of application delivery products in banking industry

  85 Industrial collaborative finance breaks through the financing “blocking point” of small and medium-sized enterprises

  88 Application delivery enables financial transformation and helps build a new generation of data center


  90 The 2020 Financial Cyber Security Attack and Defense Technology Forum was successfully held

  94 The third amendment of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks opens for public opinions, etc.

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砥砺廿载 再展风华——记中国工商银行数..
金融数字化转型背景下 数据中心未来发展..
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