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当前位置:首页 > 中国金融电脑 > 2013年7月


  10 大数据战略/李庆莉

  13 银行业数据管控体系的设计与实践/洪正华

  19 理论与实践相结合 构建企业级元数据管理体系/张颖

  22 大数据时代商业银行面临的挑战


  25 大数据时代的数据管理战略


  29 稳健应对练内功,深挖价值促转型

  ——大数据时代浦发银行的思考与应对之道/奚力铭 陆小勇


  34 打造企业资金管理新模式



  36 大数据时代的商业银行数据治理研究/王玮

  39 大数据环境下银行数据分布与存储架构设想/奇兰涛 杨唯实

  41 大数据对商业银行的机遇与挑战/郑承满


  43 银行大数据挖掘、使用和管理的方法/王振华

  46 大数据时代银行数据服务体系建设的探讨/刘威

  49 面向大数据的银行业务应用构建/李小庆


  55 企业无线局域网安全风险分析/刘方明

  59 银行数据安全风险防范的思考/万丹


  62 大型企业网络管理体系前瞻性思考/秦玮等

  67 桌面虚拟化对提升业务连续性积极意义的探讨/林良超


  70 村镇银行共享式云服务平台搭建/李东玉

  74 小额贷款公司信息化建设要点及业务系统架构分析/施正会


  77 ATM布设与运营成本研究/蔡宁伟

  82 涉外金融工具会计对国际收支统计的影响/陈雪峰


  87 紫金助力人民币反假进入“云”时代/洪玮

  88 谁来保护我的“应用交付”?

  89 联想ThinkServer助力“神十”仿真系统


  90 提升网络技术水平 提高网络可用性


  92 人民银行发布《支付机构客户备付金存管办法》等

Special Topic

  10 Big data strategy

  13 Design and practice of banking data management system

  19 The combination of theory and practice of building enterprise metadata management system

  22 Challenges of commercial banks in big data era

  25 Large data strategy in big data era

  29 Thinking and countermeasures of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank in big data era

Inquiry on Hot Point

  34 Building a new model of enterprises capital management


  36 Research on data governance of commercial banks in big data era

  39 Bank data distribution and storage architecture in big data environment

  41 Opportunities and challenges of big data on the commercial banks

Development and Testing

  43 The method of banks mining, using and managing big data

  46 Discussion on construction of bank data service system in the era of big data

  49 Bank business applications build for large data

Information Security

  55 The analysis of enterprise wireless LAN security

  59 Think on bank data security risk

IT Running and Maintenance

  62 Thinking on construction of large enterprise network management system

  67 Discussion on the positive significance of desktop virtualization to enhance business continuity

Development Forum

  70 Building up village banks shared cloud services platform

  74 Analysis on emphasis of informationization construction and business architectures of small loan companies

Technology Management

  77 Research on the layout and the operating costs of ATM

  82 Research on the influence of the foreign accounting for financial instruments on the balance of payments statistics

IT Observation

  87 Zijin company assists combat counterfeit into the "cloud" era

  88 Who will protect my "application delivery"?

  89 Lenovo ThinkServer help "ShenzhouⅩ" simulation system

Industry Information

  90 2013 commercial banks network technology training meeting was held in Wuxi

  92 PBOC issued "The deposit and management method of payment institutions customers excess reserves",etc.

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张颖:理论与实践相结合 构建企业级元数..
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