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  11互联网金融浪潮下商业银行的应对与谋变/曹汉平 陆雅

  14 技术发展催生互联网金融三大变革,微服务成亮点/李朝晖

  17 商业银行电商金融发展模式探讨/王鹏虎

  22 竞合有度 跨界经营 探路互联网金融新模式/方琦

  25 发展移动金融 践行普惠金融/薛建华 沈妍

  28 我国商业银行应对互联网金融的发展策略/常亮 陈进


  34 证券行业互联网金融创新与监管/李庆莉

  38 首个互联网保险监管政策出台,行业转型提速/高曙东


  42 面向金融互联网的银行业务模式创新/李小庆

  47 微信银行发展前景及风险控制探析/昌超


  52 智能信息推送在银行业的应用思考/陈大值

  56 金融机构开户单位头寸自助查询系统的设计/宋立志


  60 银行数据中心大型主机交易量分析研究与实践/包旭利

  65 金融机构核心存储系统架构未来发展趋势研究/张帝 王艳君


  70 商业银行客户风险预警平台的研究与实践/丁永建 等


  74 电子商务网络跨境支付外汇管理亟待规范/畅菁 杨楠

  78 大数据时代电子单据流机理探究/曾德超


  85 SAS引领大数据分析新浪潮/李庆莉

  86 EMC高性能交易系统建设新思路

  87 HDS新技术助力企业打造永续IT云架构

  89 智能DNS技术在金融行业的应用/张蹦

  90 便捷还是安全,谁来主导电子支付的博弈?



  91 推动自助设备创新应用 着力打造智慧银行


  93 银监会核准工商银行等六家银行实施资本管理高级方法 等


Special Topic

  11 The reform of commercial banks to deal with the internet finance wave

  14 The development of internet technology has three major financial reform and micro service will become the bright spot

  17 Discussion on development model of electronic commerce financial of commercial banks

  22 Appropriate competition and cooperation,cross-border operations and exploring the new model of internet finance

  25 Development of mobile finance and practice of inclusive finance

  28 The development strategy for Chinese traditional commercial bank reacting to internet financial

Inquiry on Hot Point

  34 Internet financial innovation and regulation in securities industry

  38 The first internet insurance regulatory policies introduced and the industry transformation accelerated

Business Innovation

  42 Business model innovation of internet bank financial

  47 Discussion on the development prospect and risk control of Wechat bank

Development and Testing

  52 Thinking on the application of intelligent information push in the bank industry

  56 Design of financial institution account-opening unit position self inquiry system

IT Running and Maintenance

  60Research and practice of bank data center mainframe trading volume analysis

  65 Study on the future development trend of financial institutions core storage systems architecture

Information Security

  70 Research and practice of customer risk pre-warning platform of commercial banks

Development Forum

  74 The electronic commerce network cross-border payment of foreign exchange management should be standardized

  78 The age of big data electronic document flow mechanism research

IT Observation

  85 SAS leading the new wave of big data analysis

  86 New ideas for building EMC high performance transaction system

  87 HDS new technology helps the enterprises to build sustainable IT cloud infrastructure

  89 Application of intelligent DNS technology in financial industry

  90 Convenient and safe, who is leading the game of electronic payment?

Industry Information

  91 Promoting the application innovation of self-service equipment to build smart banking

  93 The CBRC approval of ICBC and other six banks to implement advanced methods of capital management,etc.

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